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Velasquez 1

Andrew Velasquez
Professor Noh
03 October 2015
Anchor baby
Milena Torres
My name is Milena torres, Im a 19 year old, currently attending UCLA.
Both my parents are immigrants my mother is from Guadalajara, Mexico and
my father was born in Guatemala. My mom was a stay at home mother
leaving my dad to make the income for us he made good money as a
carpenter, and we were able to live pretty good because of him. My life was
like any normal kids life who only had to worry about going to school, doing
homework or whether they were going to make it home in time to catch that
new episode of SpongeBob, the basic life of a pre-teen kid I would say. I was
happy, I had my family my friends, I also had no idea the difficulties
immigrants went through.
I was sleeping in my warm bed it was cold morning of September
where the mornings are cold and the days are hot, I woke up to a hard knock
on my door. To lazy even open my eyes all I could do is hear. No se lo lleven
no se lo lleven, que vamos aser, dont take him what are we going to do my
mother desperately cried out. At this point I was worried my older brother
went out to see what was going on, all I could hear was my desperate

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mother crying out se llevaron a tu papa la migra, ICE had taken my dad. It
was a nightmare I wanted to wake up from but this was no dream, I cried still
in bed pretending I had no idea what was occurring, I wanted this to be a
joke, I didnt want to believe any of it. I cried myself back to sleep hoping I
would wake up from the worst nightmare of my life.
In a single moment the immigrant hardships came knocking at my
door. The hardest part about growing up without my dad was watching my
mother cry every night not knowing what to do, stressed about how shell
get the money to pay the rent. She had 3 kids to look after, we all shared the
same worn out mattress we walked and bussed it everywhere. At school I
pretended nothing had happened like I was happy, it made me
uncomfortable talking about it, embarrassed to be judge I shut that part out
of my life. I was no longer that problem less kid, I wasnt even a kid anymore
my childhood had been stripped from me I had to be an adult for my mom
for our family I had to take responsibilities at such a young age it was a
burden but it was the best thing I could do for my family.
Looking back I consider myself lucky, the experience helped shape me
to the strong independent woman I am today. For one thing weve grown
since that first day my dad was gone both my brother and I work helping my
mom with rent, both of us own cars and we both go to college, my small
sister wont have to go through what me and my brother went through shell
have her older brother and sister to look after her. If I could change that day

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believe me I would but I learned life isnt easy every hardship comes with a
blessing u just got to dig deep and find it.
Ana Gonzales:
Milena had missed soccer practice once again, she had been
missing practice lately. Shes my best friend and I knew it wasnt like her just
not to show up to games or practice. In one of our training sessions our
soccer coached asked me how Milena was doing, I was confused then he
asked how her dad was doing and if shes heard any news I was really
confused now and asked him what he was talking about. He hesitantly told
me Milenas dad had been deported I was shocked why wouldnt she tell me
something this big I didnt know what to say should I tell her I know is she
okay all these questions came rushing in at once.
I decided to ask Milena the next school day. We were by the pink flower
tree with a bunch of our friends, I waited till we were alone if she didnt tell
me I didnt think shed want anyone to know. It was awkward at first, I asked
Milena hows your dad, she looked nervous I didnt know whether I was
doing the right thing or not, ok she then responded. I told her I knew about
her dad, she seemed embarrassed she told me itd happen a couple years
back but it was no big deal. She was hurt I reassured her I was there for her
and she could count on me.
Milena and I were closer than before after this. Talking to someone
really helped her. I remember every time we would talk about our dads in

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between our friends Milena would shut down, of course now I was there for
her it was my job to make her happy as her best friend, I never knew what
Milena had to face the hardships she went through I told her talking helps
and shed open up to me Im glad I was there for her and still am even though
we go to separate schools I constantly see her and she seems happier and
full of life.
Josefina Torres:
Como mi puede pasar esto how could this happen to me I thought I
was lucky enough to have the help of my family, I had to be strong por mis
hijos for my children. I looked everywhere for jobs whatever I can get,
taking care of children, cleaning anything I was desperate I needed the
money to make up for this months rent.
I had found a late job from 7pm to 3 in the morning, newspaper
assembly. I had taken Milena a couple times with me to help out it was a
tiring job and Milena had school the next day but I needed her help, her
brother was here as well. My mom had been taking care of my little 4 year
old and Milena her brother and I would work at night. Mi pobresita Milena I
thought my poor baby, it was sweaty in there and many of us were tired the
bags in our eyes were deep, our hands in pain from wrapping the newspaper
this was our everyday routine. Wed carpool with a friend of mine who
worked there it was a hassle but it was our only way to survive.

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Le doy gracias a dios I thank god for giving me a job I no longer work
there Im a janitor at a Sephora and Milena and my older son both work, its
hard being a single mother the stress is too much las canas que mi da, I no
longer worry whether my husband is coming back were a strong family now
we went through hell and back it was hard and I met different families who
went through the same thing. I know my kids will thank me later for
everything I do for them its hard being a single mother but I take pride in it,
for my children.

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