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This picture was taken at Our Lady of

the Holy Rosary Parish with Mary Jane Aus my
Choir mate in Youth Choir she is the
coordinator of Childrens Choir and her
character is very quiet. I saw her sitting on
the bench so I approach her I asked her if she
know how to pray the rosary, but suddenly he
replied she know some prayer to recite like our father, apostles creed, Glory Be but she did
not know the different Mysteries so I teach her what to do and why do pray rosary. After
that, she thank me for that and she will pray everyday.
Last December 5, I heard the news about her from one of childrens Choir that their
Ate Jane taught them how to pray rosary and why they need to Pray.


This is my youngest Sister Ginalyn. She Love Almost all subject Except Math and one
of her problems is sometimes her vision is blur thats why she did not understand the
lesson she always get an average score. I saw her doing her trying to understand their
lesson in Algebra and she look so confuse thats why I teach the procedure and I gave my
notes in algebra last sem that is very helpful.
December 02, she got high score 19/20 and I monitored her quizzes and seatwork
her grades is always 1-4 mistakes only.

Peer Group/Friends:

This is my best friend for 8years Marchelle Shane.

We dont have photos doing Pay it forward task because
she is in Iloilo now with her relatives and studying in
Central Philippine University taking BSAccountancy. I
choose her to help not only for project, but because for
her to live life happy. Every people has a problem, but
some are not too brave enough. After I watched Pay It
Forward I realized that I already help her by advising her
to survive in her problems. She is a very quiet person yet
very humble, generous and smart. Sometimes I cannot
understand her, but I always put in my mind that I will
help her and I need understand her situation. Before, she told me that she wanted to die or
go wherever and there is a time that she did not attend class for a month So I encourage
her to be strong and even she is far away in NCR, I told her that God is good so pray and
He will guide you for her not only to be strong and calm to have faith in God. Now she is 2nd
year college and deans list.

By : Inojales, Jenessa A.

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