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How I Arrived At Hatter

as it the 15th
of June?

Or maybe it was the 51st

I cant quite remember when Im being put on the spot. The White Queen was
holding one of her many spectacular parties. Everyone was running around
doing this and that, minding their merry business. There was a whole room full
of glorious food and another room filled with people dancing. I, of course, was
admiring the gambler being worn by the dormouse, he t
ook an inte
resting spi
n on the
way the rib
bon laid...

and I must keep on track, now where was I?

Ah yes, the 51stof June, it was a pleasant day, as had been the 50th
of June,
and the 49
, however, this all changed. In the midst of all joy came a darkness
I have never understood. See the other queen, who was not much of one at
all, was a jealous fool. Only a fool thinks that rule is result of fear. I see
that now, after all the peril, and all the death that was brought on by some
simple jealousy. I seem to be avoiding the point, you see, because thats
what you do in any good duel, you avoid the point. However, in this instance, I
must realize that avoiding the point only gets me slashed by the blade. I must

gain your trust. I was the one who brought about the Queen of
a foul, bloodthirsty, flying creature who has no master and only fears
one sword, who terrorizes and hunts the people of Wonderland. It was my
fault. I look back now and I see the terrible mistake that Ive made. Believe
me, I didnt understand what I was doing to
at the time, for I was under the Red
Queens seduction and promises of material
objects that my own White Queen did not
I was a terrible person at the time, I
have to admit. In the beginning, the White
Queen was to me just that, she was my
queen. I spent all of my time in with her, but
in my sick, sick nature, my mind started to
wander. I caught the attention of the Red Queen. Sisters. The Red Queen
offered me so much more; riches, fame, literally anything that I could dream
up would be given to me at the drop of a gorgeous hat. My lust controlled me,
I got sucked into it all. As time passed,






the Red Queens advances became impossible to resist, as I

painfully regret admit now. Vanity is the quicksand of
reason, as they say. Its true too! The White Queen truly
and purely loved me, as I did her. I was unaware that I was
spreading myself bare keeping up with both women. The Red

Queen, however, knew and would never compete with her sister for my love. This I do not
understand, because what I didnt know, was she was merely using me, her idea of love was
the farthest thing from, she seduced me with her wicked ways. She used me, people must
understand I didnt mean for any of this to happen, I was just lost in my ways, for I was not
thinking with my heart and my mind, but with my body. I didnt mean to bring her closer to the
sword that could kill the jabberwocky and the crown. This jealous fool of a woman was so
vain she killed not to lose something she didnt even want, but just to be triumphant.
Triumphant even against her own blood, her sister, my White Queen.
I dont know how to put this lightly, nor do I know how to accept it myself. I sacrificed
the pure love of my White Queen, for wealth and let the Red Queen into the kingdom. I was
with the Red Queen,
in my own home,
in my own bed,
and she disappeared, as to where, I do not know. I didnt know why then, but after all
this time Ive put it together, see, she stole the sword that very night. The only weapon that
my white queen, her people, and myself had against the Jabberwocky. The very next day,
the 51st of June, my white queen and her people were left unprotected. She unleashed the
jabberwocky and destroyed everything that we knew, and held
dear; our homes, our children, our lives. After everything was left
in flames, and I could barely let myself look up, I watched as she
ripped the still beating heart out of my dearly beloved White
Queen. Her own sister! She killed everything inside of me that
day, including my ability to love anyone and my sane mind. I held
my queen as the life faded out of her, as her blood poured out
onto my own clothes and onto the ground, and listened as the
Red Queen and her knave laughed as they rode off holding
everything they needed to take over Wonderland. Everything that I
practically handed them, unknowingly, through my own lust.
Wonderland has been in peril for years now. Outcasts
have no food, those in the castle are massacred for the most
minor of reasons.


with their heaaad!

That red shrill

voice screeches. This has all happened at the hand of the

wicked Red Queen, the very one I, unknowing in my seduced state, handed all of the keys to
power of Wonderland to.
However,we cannot end there though my friends.

We were given a promise, see, the Oraculum. The Oraculum is the story, or more of
a scroll I should say, which incorporates and accentuates a calendar, so to speak. And
speak it does, of a
, of a


. She is to come, Ive heard

stories of the rabbit looking for her. Always

worried that hell be too late. She is to come
on Frabjous Day. The day the Jabberwocky
returns. This wonderful heroine, the only
person to rid me of my guilt and give us the
happily ever after we are so desperately
needing. The one who will slay the
Jabberwocky and overthrow the wretched
Red Queen. We sit at this tea party, wasting
our time, as weve done since the day my White Queen fell,
for this girl.

She is
she is

strong willed,
she is

she...she is...
She is actually here. I can see her with my own two eyes, out in the distance, strolling
curiously toward our pitiful tea party. Is this the moment that is the beginning to restoring
Wonderland to its previous state, the way my White Queen ruled, before my own lust driven
actions lead to her bloody death? I believe it is! She is my chance to avenge my one true
love, my White Queen. Here our heroine comes now! A thousand words, questions, and
explanations coursed through my head, but I said all I could muster.

Why is a raven like a writing desk?







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