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Andrew Velasquez seinen) Professor Noh atest © Hav 28 November 2015 Violent games: Correli ion is not causation Violent video games have been the controversial excuse for violent actions for as long as they've existed, with excuses that vary from school shootings to minor tantrums. While test have been done to proof correlation between violence in youth and video games, these video games do not cause violence in youth, because correlation test that show otherwise often have flaws in them. For example test often fail to show other factors that may lead to violence in youth, such as family background, divorce between parents, or illnesses which include anxiety or schizophrenia. The debate on video games causing violence has even made it to the Supreme Court, in an article by the Christian Science monitor it states “indeed, youth violence has been in decline even as video games have been on the rise with gorier, more realistic, and highly interactive graphics.” (22) This article explains that games are not the cause of violenc: Youth, in fact it may even help decrease violence. As video games continue to develop with better graphics and new technology, Video Game Company’ gain a larger audience therefore keeping kids off the streets by serving as a distraction rather than creating violence as some believe. These violent —— Velasquer2 deo gomes do not boost crime rates among youth, instead they lower them by allowing teens to work out their aggressions in front of the computer screen, fe many illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and anxiety disorders, coping with stress is very important Nok Dew. st such an early age and may as well prolong your life. ew “4 ~ ene ~~ worse than other media on marketing violence to kas avid jy yh People retell their Rw experience they usually tend to say that their kid is violent a types of images Sif isusully the excuse many people use yet what they fail to see is the way ot, vi fou may have a group Of kids all exposed to violent video games, yet the children in the group ae all different, each 7 4 individual raised differently others with disorders and some healthy those group of kids account! 2k 5 for the majority when these types of tests are done, When this happens people see the single lee story for violent games believing that games are the cause of violence / \ ——_— Velasquez3 émasinct “eye but help problem solve as well an article by Filipino reporter they state that "eetain types of video games can have beneficial effects improving gamers dexterity as well as their ability to problem solve - attributes that have proven useful not only to students but to surgeons”(26) In the article they explain that by playing video Dp 51? He Games not only the youth but surgeons as wel are able to benefit from the experienc This Y finding may help in performing successful Surgeries, doctors will be able to practice on these types of games and therefor improve their surgeon skills. For example in the article, the Problem solving in games showed in a study that surgeons preformed 27 percent faster ani ) with 33 percent less mistakes than when going to surgery without [ Violence is everywhere in media, your house, movies, Oe and even school. To say “ | _ that youth in violence is caused by violent video games is too much of a general YW | __ statement which ignores the many other ways that violence is caused by. Poverty for ‘example plays a major role in violence, poverty exposes some to gangs and drugs and | leads to dangerous lifestyles this is the case in som fe areas where poverty is a problem, hicage one example where poverty and violence fill the area, Poverty however isn’t the only factor that leads to violence in some cases family lbackeround plays a major role. Whether the child's parents are divorced or whether the [child has an alcoholic father or mother, being exposed to such conditions is known to. leave the child scared and traumatized which leads to growing up with certain conditions such as anxiety or anger problems. This could affect the child later on in life as he develops leading to isolation and anti-social personality disorders. An example of Jd be the Harlow monkey experiment where monkeys are neglected love and this woul ae Velasquexs care and later on develop sociay Problems when placed in a group of monkeys. All these Play a role that could affect the studies of violent games ‘on youth. cause violence, we take for Eranted the beneficial effect of video games and believe what we hear in media, we believe the single story of violent games causing violence, Velasquez5 Easy Target for His Campaign Against Youth Violence: Makers of Video Games” Marshall Amores. University Wire [Carlsbad] 17 Sep 2014. “Video games beneficial to cognitive functions” The Christian Science Monitor (Boston, Mass] 27 June 2011: 22. “What next after Supreme Court ruling on violent video games?” Lyte - ee Teale Ruts a4 Nowe)

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