Characterization Chart

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Name _______________________

Period _____ Date ____________

Definition: Characterization is how the writer _______ the ________ of a character. There are two main types of
1)____________________characterization and _____________________ characterization.
Direct characterization, is when a narrator_________ the audience what the personality of a character is.
2) Indirect characterization is when an author _____________ things that reveal the personality of a character.
The five methods of characterization are:
1. ___________________ - descriptions of the characters physical traits and personality (telling)
2. ___________________ - what the character says (showing)
3. ___________________ - what other characters say about the character, how other characters interact with the
character (showing)
4. ___________________ - what the character thinks (showing)
5. ___________________ - what the character does (showing)

Name _______________________
Period _____ Date ____________

Directions: Figure out what personality traits the character(s) __________________________ has/have and list the
trait in the first column. Then find evidence in the text to support your claim and record that evidence. Include the
page or line number. In the fourth column explain why you think that evidence shows that the character has the trait
you listed. Finally identify the characterization method the author is using.

Evidence from Text


Explanation of evidence

Method of

Name _______________________
Period _____ Date ____________

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