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The Supreme Court Justice stater"government's instal-lation

of the (GPS) and the use of it monitor the vehicle's movements,

constituted a search warrant is reguired. Indicating that their
wilI be privacy and consti-tutional problems with poli-ce using
(gpS) l-ong-term tracking of citizens movements without warrants.'
There should have been guidelines put in place by the U.S.
Supreme Court protecting the citizens privacy from the (GPS) devices.
If the (CpS) devices violates a person privacy, including
my privacy since October 12,2004., for 9 years. Why the (GPS)
devlces still being used on my vehicles against me and in operaLion on my vehicles? Does the (GPS) devices violates my privacy by followj-ng my whereabouts too?
In 2006 the U.S. Government install a (epS) traeking device on my vehicle and track me for 9 years and continuing
without removing the device allowing the authority to instantIy track my whereabouts throughout the web-based user interface. Its gives access to my vehicles speed and location using the internet.
The 230 incidents and attacks was using a (epS) tracking
device against me and my resident is proof that a (GPS) device was place on my vehicle illegal without a 1ega1 warrant
and used by the U.S. Governmant, FBI, U.S. Air Traffic Control-Iere at the Eederal Aviation Administratj-on and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affai-rs., is a violation of my privacy and
therefore I should be compensated for it.
This the reason why the U.S. Government able to determined my whereabouts for 9 years and trail me and continuing
j-nvading my property and privacy i1lega11y and without a search
warrant and legal warrant.
We must find a cause and cure to remove the (GPS) tracking device. Installed illegal on both of my vehicles j-ntentionally putting me into harms way to cause destruction, to
ruin and destroy my life.
' I have ask the U.S. Government over and over agai-n, for
10 years to remove the (epS) tracking devices off both of my
vehicl-es but the U.S. government, FBI and the other named federal organizations., has fail-ed and refusing to listen and
noticing the warning signs and coming danger made agtainst me.

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