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"Bringing These Most-Wanted Cowards And Criminals To Justice"

Justice j-s what I need and it right beneath the surface

that points out the true meanj-ng of these 230 deadly incidents
in details.
frm doing nothing to provoke the U.S. Government; FBI and
the other named federal organizations and criminals who charged
with attempted murders; assault and battery; politics power;
life-threatening attacks; and threats to my well-being that violates my prj-vacy under the watchful eyes of the United States

On January 26, 2003 a meeting

Forum 1n Devos, Switzerl-and."

held at the "Wor1d


The Uni-ted States Secretary of State, Colin Powell, state,

"There comes a time when talking with evj-I wil-l- not work. History will judge harshly to those who saw a coming danger but

failed to acts."
11 years of i1lega1 leadership, corruption, harassment,
bullying, 230 or more deadly incidents, trailing my whereabouts, pain and suffering, intimidation, extreme abusive of
power, invading my property and attempted murder by running
me off the highway to cause bodily injury or death.
No human being deserve to be treated worse then an anima1.
These deadly incidents been going on since October 12, 2004
and 11 years is long over due and continuing.
There should be new guidelines, rul-es and regulations and
reguirement put in place to deal with mismanegement and illegal

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