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The United States Government and the EBI, U.S. Air Traffic
Controllers at the Federal Aviation Administration., Violated
my health and safety, my constitutional rights to privacy with
life-threatening incidents by sitting unsafe and dangerous helicopters overhead my resident on 4 different occasionally.Immediate cause grounds for consideration and action.
Apparently, I was able to observe the following incidents
performed by the U.S. Air Traffj-c Controllers at the rederal
Aviatlon Administrati-on., taking p1ace.
The U.S. Air Traffic Controll-ers at the Federal Aviation
Administration., wanted to be more active and productive:
* on Friday, December 15, 2006, when a blue & white helicopter
sitting about 40 feets overhead my resident;
* On Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 7:50 a.m. the same blue &
white helicopter came back sitting overhead my resident;
* On Thursday, March 29,2A07 at 3:00 p.m. the same blue &
white helicopter came back to my resident sitting overhead
and a whj-te airplane circling overhead my resident. The
helicopter was sitting very low until the top of the trees
was blowing;

* On Sunday, April 15r 2007 at 10:47 a.m. I was at my sister

resident when we notice the white airplane circling 2 times

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