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where r,,re was standing inside the grave site scared to death

and this was a good place to die;

Friday, April 20,2007 at 5:15 a.m. the same white airplane circle my resident 3 times. f told my friend to take


vehicle to her resident and call me when she get to her

I stayed at my resident to throw the helicopter and white
airplane off having them thinking that I was driving the vehicle and not at my resj-dent. The FBI and the white airplane
trailed her to her resident thinking that was me driving the
As the day pass the FBI and the whj-te ai-rplane didn't harass me until 12220 p.m. when the blue & whi-te helicopter came
back on the scene and pass very low looking for me at 1:50
p.m and the white airplane came back at 3:15 p.m. The harassment and bullying didn't stop and continuing on April 21 ,



* On Thursday, June 1 | 2009 the same bl-ue & whj-te helicopter

NJ sitting overhead my resident movi-ng forth and back
as if it being put into drive and reverge looking for me and
my vehicles;

7, 2009 at 11 225 a.m. A black helicopter

with a red strip on the left side was sitting 40 feets overhead my resident. I ran out my resident very afraid and was
able to see the number on the left side of the helicopter is
On Wednesday, October



At 11:30 a.m. I cal-f Ryan Metroplitan Ai-rport Tower and

reported the black helicopter sitting 40 feets overhead my resident. The tower employee told me, "that it is not a police
helicopter sitting overhead your resident because a police
helicopter has police written on the side of it and not a number on the side of it."rrhow
high the helicopter sitting overThen he ask me,
head your resj-dent and flying?r I told him very low. He told
me if it was low the radar screen at Ryan Airport will not
pick it up on the radar screen and took my name, home address
and telephone number. He told me to hold on he will transfer
me to another department. The department he transfer me to took
my name, home address and tel-ephone and hung the phone up on
me and didn't call me back.

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