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April 26, 2010 a green & white helicopter passed

very low overhead my resident almost to a complete stop going south at 8:15 a.m;
On Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 2214 p.m. T was visiting my
cousin at her resident in south Baton Rouge. We was standing on her front lawn when we notice a black helicopter
circling 7 tlmes in front of her resident and 2 times overhead her resident.
Then we decided to stand on her front porch until the
helicopter go and fuel up and then I decided to go to my
resident. When I arrived at my resident and backing j-nto
my driveway the same black helJ-copter pass directly overhead my resident.
The U.S. Air Traffi-c Controllers at the Federal- Aviation Administration., helicopters and airplanes trailing
me and making air attacks against me are cruelty and unOn Monday,


7,2011 at 9:00 a.m. until 9:35 a.m a

day prior to mother day on May 6t 2011 I noti-ce a white
airplane circling overhead "Orange Grove Plantati-on Cemeteryr" where my mother burial 2 times across the grave
site where I was standing.
The same white airplane that was circling my resident
in Baton Rouge, Louisiana., the same helicopter came on
the scene circling 2 times overhead the grave site and
Ieft. After the harassment of both aircrafts, I left the
cemetery at 9245 a.m. and arrived at my resident in Baton
Rouqe, at 10:33 a.m. and the same helicopter pass direct1y overhead my resident.
The U.S. Ai-r Traffic Controllers at the Federal Aviation Admj-nistration., has trail my whereabouts to Orange
Grove Plantation Cemetery, to my mother grave site 4 times
and cause destruction, damage, rui-n and destroyed my fife
by sitting a huge and unsafe helicopters 40 feets overhead
my resident, physically and mentalIy, anxeity and lifethreatening incidents as I kept on running from the helicopters 11 years as if I had escape from prison, penintentiary or confinement.
Tears pour down my face because it left scars on my
mind for the rest of my life. I will never forget the airattacks, cruelty treatment, inhumanl-ty treatment, mercilessness treatment and brutal treatment that causes suffering to me and ground punishing to a innocent black man
On Saturday, May

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