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the Helicopters fliqhts were in vj-olation of the rules

and regul-ation of the EAA and the National Transportation

Safety Board. A11 flights were lower than 500 to 11000 feets
necessary of my safety and should face criminal charges and
held accountable and liable for damages. There should be a
criminal investigation made against all people involvement.


* On Saturday, January 10, 2010 between 11:10 a.m. and 11:30

a.m.I was at my cousln resident when our distractions were
a blue & white helicopter, the same helicopter sitting overhead my resident and the white airplane circling overhead.
I have proven and shown a pattern of abusive behavior designed, ploted, outline, s1ect, plan and details made against
me and my resident by the U.S. Air Traffic Controllers at the
Eederal Aviatiort Administration to kil-I me.
* On Thursday, May 11 2014 r was at orange Grove Plantati-on
Cemetery. Cleaning and painting my mother grave site. When
a white airplane pass low 4 times overhead my mother grave
* On Friday, May 2t 2014 f was 20 miles from Orange Grove
Plantation Cemetery graveyard at Glenn Cemetery, when the
same white airplane pass overhead the cemetery across the
grave site 3 times and a black helicopter came to the cemetery passing 2 times overhead the grave site.
I decided to leave the grave site going south around the
levee road toward the town of Port A11en, Louisiana., when
the black helicopter going north around the levee road dipped down low headed straight at the front of my vehicl-e and
then raise the helicopter back up. If the helicopter had
been a vehicle on the highwdyr it would have been a head on
collision, hitting me head on injured or killing me;
* on Friday, IIay 9, 2014 at 2:30 p.m. I notice the white airplane circling 3 times overhead my father resident trailing
me going West and going back East toward Ryan Airport in
Baton Rouge;

On Monday, May 12, 2014 at 12201 p.m. A helicopter pass low

overhead my resident under the radar screen. It was so low
until the window in my house was vibrating extremel-y badly.
I was disturb from the rapid movement and noise.

The justice system in the state of Louisi-ana., has fail-ed

to act on my behalf because of wealth, power influence and

resulting from sociaf position.

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