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Each tj-me we stop, Lhe SUV and the truck will stgp-too.

She drove off and I begin waving my 357 qun out the window
in the air so the driver of the SUV could see it and backed
off and leave us al-one but he did not and continuing trailing for a long distance to New Roads, until we turned off
the main highway in New Roads, Louisiana and parked on the
side of the road. I had enough and was ready to do whatever

it took but the SUV and the white truck kept on going on
the main highway.
After this incident occurred my bride to be and I dated
for 3 more years and got married on April 22, 2009. On June
19, 2009 we separated because we were still being harass and
threating by the U.S. Government, EBI and the other named
federal organizations., and I begin fearing for her safety
and her life.
We got divorce on March 24, 2010. Our dlvorce became
final and the harassment and bullying did not stop and continuing toward me and my resident by the U.S. Government,
FBI and the other named federal organizations., place me
on a 24/7 surveillence and the deadly incidents contlnuJ-ng as plan;
OrI Thursday, January 5, 2006 I was constantly harass by the
I'Bf all that day. IvIy lawn mow man was raking leaves in the
front lawn and we noticed 3 whites vehicles eircli,ng in
front of my resident and one of the 3 vehicles was parked
in my next neighbor resident driveway. There license plate
number is A629075. The truck license plate # W295001. We
could not get the other truck license plate #;
On Friday, January 6,2006 I wrote a l-etter to The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs., telling the VA to stop the
harassment and bullying. On January 6, 2006 at 5:15 p.m. a
bl-ack truck kept maki-ng the block in front of my resident,
with his celI phone pointed at me taking my pieture and
drove away. He came back again at 6:35 p.m;
On Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 7220 p.m. the same black
chevy truek came back to my resident. He trail me to my
driveway and sit insi-de the black truck for 5 minutes and
backed out the deadend street. The deadend streel have 2
houses on it and 1 55 feets long;
On Thursday, January 12, 2006 I wroLe the U.S. Department
of Veterans Affai-rs another letter telling them once again to stop the harassment and call the Baton Rouge City
Police Department and reported it;

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