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Assignment #3


Please turn in completed assignments by 23 Nov (either handwritten or typed)


What is meant by quantal release of neurotransmitter? Describe the experimental evidence for
the idea that acetylcholine is released in quanta?


On a muscle cell containing nicotinic receptors, you apply acetylcholineand activate nAChR . In
which direction do you predict the flow of current to be in and why, if
Vm = -60mV or

Vm = 0mV or

Vm = +60mV?


If you could place microelectrodes into both a pre-synaptic and post synaptic neuron how would
you determine if they are coupled electrically or if a chemical synapse was present between


What criteria would you use to determine if Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter at the vertebrate
neuromuscular junction?


At the neuromuscular junction we saw that although the developing muscle cell receives
synapses from several motor neurons the mature (adult) muscle cell is innervated by
only one motor neuron. Look up the literature and describe in about 300 words the
possible ways in which this restructuring is achieved.


Summarise the possible roles of Ca2+ in LTP and LTD induction in about 500 words.

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