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* On Tuesday, January 19, 2006 at 11:11 a.m.

A red truck pu1I

j-nto my driveway and sit their with a bl-ack male driving it.
I was standing inside my resident looking out my breakfast
room window at him when he puI1 into my driveway and parked.
I was afraid to go outside my resident, Then, I decided to
go outside my resident to the truck to see why he sitting in
my driveway. He told me that he from New Orleans and looking
at houses;
On Wednesday, February Bt 2006 at 7215 p.m. A grey van pu1I
into my driveway and sit their for 5 minutes and backed out
the deadend street.
f was afraid to go outside my resident to the van thinking that I would get shot. I didnrt call the police because
they wouldnrt come out to my resident prior Lo a telephone
call that I made to the police department. I call the police
department 2 times and reported (2 white girls) went down into the canal behj-nd my resident and the police did not come
out after I call them;
On Thursday, February 9 | 2006 A green van trai-ling me and my
l-awn man down the 2500 block of north acadian and choctow
street. When I tried to get away from the dri-ver of the green
van fearing for our lives and that we will get shot.
I ran the red light and the police stop me and gave me a
ticket and told me to shut my mouth before he take me to jail.
I try to tel-l- him what was going on and he dldn't wanted to
hear me and tol-d me if I say anything else he would put me into the police car and take me to jail;
12,2006 at i1:30 a.m. A grey ford truck
parked on the left side of my driveway at the deadend street
and stayed their for 20 mj-nutes and backed out the deadend
On Sunday, February


13, 2006 at 10223 a.m. A white truck with

a white male driving lt, trail me around the levee road. I
was going to my mother grave si-te on "Orange Grove Plantation
Cemetery." f was very afraid that he was going to do me something beca.use I was alone and he went pass the graveyard to
the next exit, turn around and came back but I was gione;
On Thursday, February 23, 2006 at 12210 p.m. I was trail to
(Winn Dixie Shopping Center) located on Greenwell Spri-ng
On Monday, February

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