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in Baton Rouge, by the same green van and parked 2 parking space over from my vehicle.

The harassment did not stop.

On Saturday, February 25, 2006 I was trail to (Office Deport)
in Baton Rouge, by a white femal-e driving a white chevy truck.
When I came back to my vehicle, she was sti11 sitting inside
the truck. She parked di-rectly in front of my vehicle.
When I got into my vehicle and backed out and drove behind
her truck and drove away. Then, she backed out trailing me to
my resident. I call the Baton Rouge City Police Department and
reported it but no one showed up to my resident;
on Monday, March 6t 2A06 at 10:30 a.m. I was harassed by 2 vehicles pulling in front of me blockj-ng and cutting my vehicle
off going East on Florida Blvd in Baton Rouge. Each time I get
into the left and right lane one of the vehlcle get in front
of me blocking me off and the other vehicl-e get behind me. The
harassment took place from north 22nd, street pass McDonald, to
the airline highway overpass on Florida Blvd;
On Tuesday, March 14, 2006 at 2:10 a.m. in the morning. A white
vehicle with a black male driving it shl-nning a bright light
inside my breakfast room window. So, I hurry and got into my
vehicle in my underwear chasing behind his vehicl-e to cut him
When I turn onto another street where he was sitting at the
corner stop sign. I ask him, why were you shinning a bright
light into my resi-denL? He tol-d me that wasn't hi-m and I drove
away knowi-ng that he was lying;
On Tuesday, March 21, 2006 at 11:30 a.m. A black Toyota parked
in front of my resident with a white female driving and sitting
inside it. She sit their for 10 minutes and drove away. The
Iicense plate # is TZJ729;
On Wednesday, March 29, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. A ye1low chevy vehicle with a black mafe driving it sitting by my driveway and
when he saw me he backed out of the deadend street.
The U.S. Federal Bureau fnvestigations Services., have suspi-cious vehi-cles pu11in9 in and out my dri-veway as if they
own my property. fts strange and danger of what f have to go
through with the U.S. Eederal Bureau Investigation Services,
U.S. Government and the other named federal- organizations.,
should plead guilty on all counts of corruption, charges and
conspiracy made against me and my resident;

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