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April B, 2006 at 2:30 p.m.

A Green Van with a

female driving it made 3 circles in front of my resident. r
was standi-ng across the streeL talking to my neighbor about
the harassment and bullying made against me and my resident.
we was standing insi-de his carport and notice the green van
On Saturday,

circling in front of my resident;

On Thursday, April 13, 2006 at 9240 a.m. A green ford truck
drove into my driveway and sit their until r came outside of
my resident and he backed out of Lhe deadend street. I was
unable to get his license plate number because he backed
down the deadend street and turn around very fast so r could
not see his lj-cense plate;
on l4onday, April 1'7 , 2006 a white LUV truck backed across the
street into Rev. driveway, si-ttlng inside it facl_ng my resident. when Rev. came to his resident, r ask him was he expecting someone comi-ng to his resident and he told me no;
orr wednesday, April 26, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. the same black chevy
truck kept making the block in front of my resi-dent with a
white mal-e driving it;
On Saturday, May 13, 2006 at 3:12 p.m. A black Toyota truck
with a black female driving it parked at the beginning of the
deadend street sitting for 10 to 15 minutes. f calt the Baton
Rouge city Police Department but no police came out to assit

Friday, May 26, 2006 at B:30 a.m. A white vehicle parked

in front of my driveway and drove away when I came out my
resident. Then, he came back at 9:00 a.m. and drove awayi

2, 2006 at 10:13 a.m. f was traili_ng down

North Foster Drive in Baton Rouge, by a whlte female driver
to the "Guard Dog Kennel-." She took pictures of me and my
vehicle. She parked her vehicl-e where I couldn't see her
license plate number. she wal-k over to the dog kennel where
the owner and I were sitting and talking to each other.
She told the owner a lie that a (little
boy) was riding
his bicycle on north foster drive and a big dump truck hit
him. Then, she walk over to north foster drive acting as if
she was taking picLures of the scene but she was not. r was
looking at every move that she was taking and she wasnrt taking pictures of the scene. She was taking pictures of me
On Monday, October

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