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side it.

They sit in my driveway until they seen me comj-ng

from behind my resident and going to their vehicle- Then,
they backed out my driveway and down the deadend streetThey parked further down the street on the right side of
the street. I started walking toward the vehicle and they
drove away;

On Thursday, l4ay 28, 2009 at 2:A0 p.m. I was trail to (Winn

Dixie Shopping Center) on Greenwell Spring Road in Baton
Rougerby a white chevy truck. Parked one parking space over
from my vehicle. He stayed their until I came out of the
store waiting on me and left behind me. The harassment and

bullying didn't stop and continuing;

on Sunday, May 31, 2009 I was trail by a white female to Office Deport in Baton Rouge. When I came out of the store and
return to my vehicle. She was stil-I sitting inside her vehicl-e waiting on me. She stayed their parked next to me on
the right side. I got into my vehicle, backed out and drove
away. She backed out and trail me to my resident. I cal-1 the
police department and reported it but no one showed up to my
resident. The harassment continuing;
On Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. I was harass by a white
chevy truck kept pulling in front of me blocking me and cuttRouge. Each
ing me off going down north foster drj-ve in Baton
time I get into the other lane the truck get j-n front or behind me;
On Friday, June 26, 2009 at B:30 a.m. A white male driving a
black truck trailing me and turn onto another street behind
me. I didnrt wanted him to know where I lived. Sor r turn onto another street to loose him but he sti1I trail me to my resi-dent anyway;

| 2010 My vehicfe was in the repair shop

located at 14215 North Airline Hwy, in
Gonzales, Louisiana., when I notice the same white chevy
truck with a white male driving it came to Ralph Sellers repaj-r shop. The same white truck that was parked at my resident
in Baton Rouge., harassing me showed up at the repair shop 2
times between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. I believe he brought
something to place on my vehicle and the repair shop employee
place a device on my vehicle. However, Ralph Sellers., should
be made defendant too and held aecountable for its illegal
On Thursday, April
at "Ra1ph Sellersr"

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