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By Scarlet, Will and Eleanore

Ubiquitous something being found everywhere
Ubiquitous photography the idea that
photography and photographs are now found
practically everywhere

Joachim Schmid

Berlin based
Art career at
Art aspects

Pictures from the street (1982-2012)

Other peoples photography


Connect to reading
According to reading, Flickr as a platform for shared
experience and community buildings, the motto conjures up
images of active communities who upload, download and
comment on pictures and, by doing so, turn their activity
into a collective experience, and doing experience sharing,
photos are indeed the most popular and convenient media
we use to translate daily happenings and tell life stories.
However, Nancy Van House who conducted in depth
interviews with Flickr users, her research shows that
people described their Flickr collections as transitory,
ephemeral, throwaway, a stream, not an archive. Schmids
project of other peoples photography is that he collected
photos from different Flickr users account no matter they
are still active or wasted for a long time. After his reclassify,
he posts his works on Flickr and share with others. In some
extents, he inheritance the photo of others shooting.

Penelope Umbrico

Penelope Umbrico was

born in Pennsylvania in 1957.
She is an artist / photographer
best known for appropriating
images found using search
engines and picture sharing
Umbrico received her O.A.C.A. at
the Ontario College of Art in
Toronto, Canada in 1980. She
obtained her M.F.A. in 1989 at the
School of Visual Arts in New


Broken Sets (eBay) (200911)

Statistical Self-portrait - My Pie-chart

Suns (From Sunsets) from Flickr, 2006-ongoing

Doors (From Catalogs), 2001-02

74" variable widths

Untitled, Skin Transfers

Guggenheim Fellowship
New York Foundation for the Arts Artists
Anonymous Was A Woman Award
Aaron Siskind Foundation Individual
Photographers Fellowship Grant
New York Foundation for the Arts Catalogue
Project Grant
Harvestworks Scholar Fellowship

Suns (From Sunsets) from

Flickr, 2006-ongoing

"I employ traditional photographic techniques and

methods of appropriation, extraction, multiple
production, and intervention, to explore how we, as
a culture, make and use images.
In much of my work I address how differently an
image functions on the internet than in physical
time/space, the shifts in meaning around the subject
depicted in the image in both contexts, and what
happens to the image's perceived value when
transcribed from web-based to print-based media."
- Penelope Umbrico.

Erica Scourti

Erica Scourti

So Like You

The Reading
common view of the world
sharing photos leads to collective perspectives,
experiences and memory

Web 3.0
Web 3.0 - a more connected, open and intelligent
Web 2.0 - including social networking, lightweight
collaboration and media sharing
Web 1.0 - the focus was primarily on building the
Web, making it accessible, and commercialising it
for the first time.

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