New Document 4 09-Dec-2015 09-03-10

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f Velasquez) : pt (2 Andrew Velasque?, e ‘ Prof. Noh B i English 144 a 5 && September 2015 Shopping for persuasion Entering the mall I was immediately surrounded by many ads. I was noticing a pattem between the ads. many were bringing up the topic of adoption or Promoting Spending time with your child. As I got out the long hallway entrance I found a children’s play place where parents would talk to their friends while their kids played. To m: » Tight | found a Bloomingdale's which eo ah ens 4 Was filled with customers looking to buy d perfume or handbags, 1 walked > ot > La away from both the children’s play place dale’s and found a Wetzel’s Pretzels{t ws decided this would be my study area a children Surrounded by a food stand and uy Ads are part of society's everyday life, ads ‘may affect us subliminally or consciously. n 1973 a book by Wilson Bryan Key called “subliminal seduction” explained how “ads use sex and 5 violence to manipulate human behavior an book he uses examples which range from Playboy to coke. The next three ads show how ads use subliminal and unconscious desire to attract their audience, The first ad is by Adopt us Kids, which shows a mother and daughter with a burt dinner, Suggesting that being a perfect parent is being there for your child, Pathos is anything that Velasquez? ol use of pathos by showing the notion for the purpose of persuasion, this ad makes use of pathos by the a sats to ematid Ps ily Bondin. Ack 7 - nerd mtr Bonds, scoring tf "The Inpranee of Fai Bonding, C bond between”, Ynproves relationships and leads to a healthier life Sle hich makes’ ts and non-parents want to have this bond and feel the emotional connection of having a parents chido spend moments with. This emotion felt by parents and non-parens isthe subliminal 4 unconscious desire parents or non-parents may want. For example a couple walks by the ad and audience attention however we will see more than eee ah 8S my next ad which uses both metaphors and BL) ~ o wr wal Ke \ Vebey abold xpression in his ¥ . 5 fo face and wearing expensive attire. The perfume makes use of Johnny Depp for credibility (ethosy’ My second ad by Dior shows Johnny Depp in the dessert with and portrays him as a dominant lion Saying that by wearing the/perfume You will smell natural r ca lions since they usually inhabit deserts. The imy iportance of this; fA the evolutionary Psychological nature of both male and female. Women ing to, Dr. Banschick Marks “1! Dangerous Attraction of Powerful Men”,, “are attracted to strong eee y men”, just like a female lion would be ys to or mate with the strongest lion. Dior uses this Psychological evolutionary trait and puts it into effect in this ad and at the same time Subliminally affects the way men want to see themselves, pal Velasquer3 For my first ad gender isn’t a big part in this, since it’s broad in saying parents not ‘mothers or fathers in particular don’t have to be “perfect to bea perfect parent”. Although i does show a mother and a daughter, they fail to show Cur current society, having the stay at home mother in the kitchen an the male oat working, we / have seen these kind of stereotypes in certain movies such as the Incredibles a Disney film about retired super heroes where the mom stays at home and tends to the house and kids. It's not 4 a male present. The ad portrays yee oes in Ye. ) wner . _ and feel about the item, we have seen this in many different advertisemer in order to gain the audience attention, audience attention is used by many ad companies and is an effective met aa Velasqueza. nts for example car ads | using irony to grab the thod of persuasion.

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