Interview Memo

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Ryan Staples
1489 Canyon Circle
San Luis Obispo, CA 93410
Mobile: (720) 530-2718

Informational Interview with a Recruiter for a Major Biomedical Engineering Company
In late November, I was able to secure a conference with a recruiter for a large
biomedical engineering company, who will not be named due to non-disclosure
agreements that the company mandates. In this conversation, the recruiter was able to
open my eyes on certain areas of concern for me, and what I can do to strengthen my
profile to boost my appeal to employers.
First, I asked what qualities does the biomedical company look for in its employees,
both prospective and current. Hardworking, communication, and leadership were the
main three that the recruiter outlined. The company seeks out hardworking employees,
because in the competitive job market of biotechnology, only the best and the dedicated
will get hired. Communication is especially crucial she said: Our employees will often
be working with other engineers and technicians to ensure projects are completed in the
most efficient and productive ways possible; good communication between team
members promotes cohesion and a good environment to work. Lastly, the recruiter
noted that the company always seeks employees who were leaders, because they
could demonstrate that they brought people together and guided them towards
completing a goal.
Next, I asked the recruiters opinion on Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo. She commended
the school for its Learn By Doing mentality, because she stated that Ca Poly students
have an edge over other students with their technical backgrounds. She also remarked
that several Cal Poly students have come to work for the company after they graduated.
Finally, I asked several points about how to become more competitive for the selection
process for the recruiters company and other biomedical companies after graduation.
She urged me to get an internship with a company or a research position with a
professor as soon as I could, as her company looks for employees with a strong
foundation in biotechnology. In addition, she recommended I separate myself from other
applicants by pairing extracurriculars with my interest in biomedical engineering, and
doing lots of volunteering work to boost my resume.

Overall, I am grateful for the insight the recruiter gave me, and I intend to use her
wisdom to my full extent. Currently, I am actively applying for summer internships for
2016 with several biomedical companies. For extracurriculars, I plan on joining Society
of Women Engineers (for networking) and the QL+ Laboratory. Lastly, I plan on donating
more blood during school blood drives and becoming more active in the San Luis
Obispo chapter of Habitat for Humanity.

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