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TO: Julia Intawiwat

FROM: Andrew Wells

DATE: November 1, 2015
SUBJECT: Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science
National Science Foundation
Looking at this they want to provide a service and their goal is to enable K-12 STEM teachers
and community college faculty to translate their research experiences and new knowledge gained
in university settings into their classroom activities. There were categories for the RFP, but if
there were there would probably be categories about their teaching experience, a little about
them, and why they want to do this. There was no minimum or maximum length for the
proposal. If there was it would probably be around 2 to 3 pages one would think. The
organization is the National Science Foundation. There was no format there, but would probably
just be a proposal paper tell them why they are the best person for this. Lastly for criteria the
individual must have a full-time, tenured or tenure-track faculty appointment within a
College/Department of Engineering or Engineering Technology or a College/Department of
Computer and/or Information Science broadly defined within the submitting U.S. academic

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