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28 September 2015


Group Brainstorm for Design of Profile and

1. As a group, we decided that we will use magazine design for our

profile. We decided upon this format for several reasons. First, none of
us have written a paper in a magazine type design before and we
figured it would be enjoyable to try. Second, the columns in the
magazine style format make it easier to read. Long lines of text can be
hard to read, so breaking the text into multiple columns increases the
readability. Lastly, we thought that this type of design was better
suited to the incorporation of pictures, captions, pull quotes, etc.
2. For our profile essay, we plan on incorporating 3-4 pictures within the
text. These pictures will relate to the individual sub topics within the
essay. Also, they will be placed within direct proximity of the
referenced subtopic in a wrap text format. Most of our pictures will be
of orca whales in either the wild, capture, or captivity. All of the
pictures will have a caption to describe or explain the picture to the
reader. Additionally, each picture will be cited by supplying the media
information from which the picture was taken and will be included with
each caption. The purpose of our pictures is to communicate our essay
visually, as well as to evoke emotions. Likewise, in our essay we plan
on including one picture that illustrates several statistical facts about
whales in captivity. The position, and description of this picture will be
the same as previously mentioned for the other pictures. However, the
main purpose of this picture is to educate and inform. We plan on
introducing 1-2 pull quotes within our profile essay. The purpose of the
pull quote is to highlight an important phrase, quote, or passage from
our essay. We plan on positioning these in the middle of the page
between the columns of text, and in an italicized font. This will draw
the readers attention to the pull quote as well as signal its importance
within the essay. The pull quote will be on a different page from the
text in the essay from which it was pulled to prevent repetition on the
same page. Lastly, we plan on providing subheadings within the essay.
The subheadings will be placed before the corresponding subtopics.
The purpose of the subheadings is to identify the subsections, serve as
a transition to the next subsection, and allow the readers to locate
information more easily. The subheadings will be in bold text and have
three lines of white space before the heading and two lines after the
heading. This will make the subheadings stand out, and be more
identifiable to the reader.
For our profile presentation, we plan on introducing numerous pictures,
graphs, charts, etc. within our Power Point presentation. The chosen
media will be placed on the same slide as the referenced information.
The media will be used throughout the presentation to attract the

audiences attention, visually represent our profile, provide supporting

evidence, evoke emotions, educate, inform, and add
authority/credibility. The media included in the presentation will not
have captions, but will include citing to identify where the media was
obtained. Additionally, the individual Power Point slides will have
subheadings. These subheadings will be in bold text and in a larger
font to enable the audience to more easily follow along in the
3. Thumbnail sketch of proposed page layout:

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