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AHS MODEL SENATE - Environment and Public Works Committee Proceedings

Committee Chair - Inhofe, James (R), Oklahoma, represented by Lyle Bryson

Ranking Member - Boxer, Barbara (D), California, represented by Ellen Campbell
Secretary - Capito, Shelley (R), West Virginia, represented by Bryce Ward
Delegates From the Democratic Party:
Carper, Thomas, Delaware, represented by Eliana Rothwell
Feinstein, Dianne, California, represented by Keely Savage
Leahy, Patrick, Vermont, represented by Tristan Govreau
Manchin, Joe, III, West Virginia, represented by Drew Allsopp
Merkley, Jeff, Oregon, represented by Will Brako
Udall, Tom, New Mexico, represented by Molly Dickinson
Warner, Mark, Virginia, represented by Dylan Kroes
Whitehouse, Sheldon, Rhode Island, represented by Sonya McGuire
From the Republican Party:
Barrasso, John, Wyoming, represented by Molly Zink
Boozman, John, Arkansas, represented by Connor Whitesell
Cruz, Ted, Texas, represented by Josh Jacques
Gardner, Cory, Colorado, represented by Charlie Malone
Graham, Lindsey, South Carolina, represented by Brittan Collins
Hatch, Orrin, Utah, represented by Hannah Liberman
Murkowski, Lisa, Alaska, represented by Brittney Ketchum
Rubio, Marco, Florida, represented by Garrett Moore
Shelby, Richard, Alabama, represented by Catherine Dellinger
Sullivan, Dan, Alaska, represented by Brandon Navratil

Monday Exhibition
Open Committee (5 minutes)
A. Call to Order - Committee Chair announces beginning of meeting.
B. Roll call - Ranking Member calls names of each senator on
committee, senator raises hand if in attendance.
C. Call the organization of experts and lobbyists to sit together.
D. Introduce Committee Chair, Ranking Member, and Secretary.
Welcome, my name is James Inhofe, and I am the chairperson of the
Environmental and Public Works Committee. The ranking member of this
committee is Barbara Boxer and the secretary of this committee is Shelley


Committee Purpose Briefing (3 minutes)

A. It is expected of each member within this committee to enter the
following conversation with the common goal of progressing presented
amendments and legislation in a bipartisan, professional, and efficient manner so
as to reach a consensus on environmental reform. It is in the best interest of each
member that efficiency and cooperation take precedent in this committee, and that
it is fully understood that in order to reach a consensus on the proposed solutions
regarding environmental policy, there will likely be compromise on certain
partisan ideologies.


Bill Introduction (5 minutes)

A. At this point, any senator may issue a main motion to introduce a
bill. No second is necessary; it must pass by a simple majority vote (11 people).
Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont introduces bill 2-2015
B. The delegation will hear the bill out loud in its original form from
the author(s) of the bill.


Preliminary Vote (2 minutes)

A. Any points or motions on the floor? Motion to carry out a
preliminary vote. Simple all for, all against, or all abstaining. Votes can
be recorded by Secretary.


Structured debate (30 minutes)

A. Any points or motions on the floor? Motion to open speaker list.
All for, all against, all abstain (simple majority 11 people). (2 min)
a. Senators added to speaking list in order of hands
b. Any points or motions on the floor? (Ask twice
B. Motion to close speaker list. All for, all against, all abstain (simple
majority 11 people). (If no one calls for a motion to close speaker list Any points
or motions on the floor?)
C. Call speakers to the floor by Any points or motions on the floor?
Lobbyists and experts present information to the committee.
a. Lobbyist (against): Boozman, John (R, AR) Connor Whitesell (4 min)
b. Lobbyist (for): Gillibrand, Kirsten (D, NY) Hannah Liberman (4 min)
c. Expert 1: Rounds, Mike (R, SD) - Lawson
Nerenberg (3 min)
d. Expert 2: Udall, Tom (D, NM) - Molly Dickinson (3

D. First senate speaker is called to the floor. The committee calls the
first speaker to the floor. (3 mins)
E. Opposing senate speaker is called to the floor. The committee
calls the second speaker to the floor. (3 mins)
F. Third senate speaker is called to the floor. The committee calls
the third speaker to the floor. (3 mins)
G. Fourth senate speaker is called to the floor. The committee calls
the fourth speaker to the floor. (3 mins)
H. Once all senate speakers have presented, a delegate must motion to
close the debate; must be adopted by (14) of delegation.





Subcommittees (45 mins)

A. Committee Chair motions for a recess from whole committee
B. Break committee into Democratic and Republican subcommittees.
The committee chair calls for subcommittees of both parties.
C. Committee chairs and ranking members run subcommittees.
D. Subcommittees use amendment forms to author amendments
during this session.
E. *Bang gavel*, call meeting back to order.
Return to whole committee (5 minutes)
A. Committee Chair and Ranking Member present subcommittees
demands and compromises.
A. Motion carried out by any senator to adjourn meeting. Any points
or motions on the floor? Motion to adjourn Committee. All in favor, all opposed,
all abstain.
Tuesday Exhibition
Open Committee (3 minutes)
E. Call to Order - Committee Chair announces beginning of meeting.
F. Roll call - Ranking Member calls names of each senator on
committee, senator raises hand if in attendance.
G. Call the organization of experts and lobbyists to sit together.
H. Introduce Committee Chair, Ranking Member, and Secretary.
Welcome, my name is James Inhofe, and I am the chairperson of the
Environmental and Public Works Committee. The ranking member of this
committee is Barbara Boxer and the secretary of this committee is Shelley
Committee Purpose Briefing (2 minutes)

B. It is expected of each member within this committee to enter the

following conversation with the common goal of progressing presented
amendments and legislation in a bipartisan, professional, and efficient manner so
as to reach a consensus on environmental reform. It is in the best interest of each
member that efficiency and cooperation take precedent in this committee, and that
it is fully understand that in order to reach a consensus on the proposed solutions
regarding environmental policy, there will likely be compromise on certain
partisan ideologies.
Opening Statements (2 mins)
Committee chair revisits demands and compromises of Republican party (1 min)
Ranking member revisits demands and compromises of Democratic party (1 min)


Open Caucus (13 min)

A. Chair would like to entertain a motion to open caucus. One
senator must motion to open caucus. Motion must be adopted by (14) of the
delegation. All for, all against, all abstain (simple majority 11 people)
B. The goal of the caucus is to coauthor an amendment with another
senator and then submit the amendment form to the secretary.
C. James Inhofe is the Chair of the Environment and Publics Works
Committee until it adjourns.
D. Move into a 10 minute caucus.
E. Delegates may move about and discuss possible amendments for
10 minutes.
F. Once amendments are submitted secretary will type up the
G. After 8 minutes the Chair of the committee will adjourn the open
caucus and ask that delegates return to their seats.
*If a delegate opposes the order for open caucus, he or she may appeal it through
an Appeal to the Decision of the Chair. The motion must pass with of the
delegations vote.
**If a delegate successfully reverses the order to move to open caucus, that or
another senator must propose an alternate immediate agenda, which must pass
with a majority.
General Debate (18 min)
A. Chair would like to entertain a motion to open speaker
list.Motion to open speaker list. All for, all against, all abstain (simple majority
11 people).
a. Any points or motions on the floor?
b. Senators added to speaking list in order of hands
raised. (Point of personal privilege?

c. Each senator must deliver their amendment in the

style of a speech.
d. Motion to close speaker list.
B. The Chair would like to invite the first speaker to the stand.
Each amendment is read aloud by the author. Secretary displays amendments on
board as the author reads them aloud. All amendments must be read before voting
can occur.
C. <Name> will read the 1st proposed amendment.

Amendment Voting (7 min)

D. Once each amendment is presented and read aloud, a delegate
must motion to amend and this motion must receive a second. A simple
majority (11 people) is required for an amendment to pass.
E. Motion to close the debate by one senator and must pass with a


Final Voting process (2 min)

A. The chair of the Environment and Public Works committee will
begin the voting process. We will now be moving to the final voting block for
the revised bill.
B. Votes will be registered by a yay, nay or if a senator does not
speak, they effectively abstain from the vote. All in favor of the proposed bill
C. The bill must be adopted by a simple majority (AHS mock senate,
11 senators)


Adjournment of Committee (2min)

A. A senator will motion to adjourn committee and move into class
picture; must pass with a (14 people) vote. Second. All in favor, all opposed, all
abstain (11 people)
B. Committee adjourned.

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