Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Molly Young
November 16th, 2015
Emporia State University

Hunger in America is an extremely severe issue that tends to be
overlooked by most Americans. To provide further information there is a term
that need to be defined; food security. Food security according to, exists when all people, at all times, have physical and
economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary
needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. In the U.S. back
in 2011 almost 5.7% of all American households had very low food security.
Sources say that this number has done nothing but increase since. This may
not seem like a high number but add 14.9% or the percent of American
households in 2011 that were food insecure and it becomes more of an issue.
There are statistics about poverty levels and how what is considered poverty
has changed throughout the years. Another important issue that needs to be
addressed relating to hunger is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program or SNAP. This program is mentioned when talking about fighting
hunger; it used to be referred to as the food stamp program. There is also
talk when referring to the more private rout to fight hunger about food
kitchens. Hunger is an issue in America and it needs to be more seriously
For my bibliography Ive included information I found from a variety of
sources including: book, magazine, website, and two peer reviewed scholarly
journals. I used the Emporia State library website to help find all but one of
my sources. One of the scholar journals I found using Google Scholar, which

we discussed in class to be a reliable source engine. To find the book I

searched within the Emporia State University library, I looked for things
about Hunger in America. The first thing to show up was The Hunger Games,
which is one of my favorite books, however not about the topic I am
researching. I chose the first book I found that related to my topic of
research. To find the magazine I used Google and searched magazines that I
was familiar with. Then within the magazines website I searched my topic
and was able to find multiple articles, but selected the one that best fit my
question of research. To find the scholarly journal I used one of the databases
from ESU, I believe it was the Healthonline one which is a branch through
Ebsco. I selected peer reviewed and journal and picked the one I thought
would be the most useful. To find my website I searched my topic on Google
and chose a website that ended with a .org instead of a .com because that is
one of the things we have learned to do from class.
Physician Task Force on Hunger in America. (1985). Hunger in America : The
epidemic (1st ed.). Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan
This book discusses the issue of hunger in America blaming our leaders
permitting poverty to reach record levels and at the same time cutting back
on programs that help guide people through this economic hardship. It labels
America as a soup kitchen society but also discusses how food stamps came
to be a thing, as well as several other organizations to help the hungry. It
emphasizes hunger is not just a thing of the past and provides several
statistics to support this argument.
This book was published in 1985 so the information is not as current as
you should look for in a source. There is still quality information in this book,
but the statistics will obviously not be up-to-date. The issues discussed

within the book could still be relevant in todays society. The information in
the book discusses topics that are extremely relevant to my research and
goes into detail about a variety of things such as poverty in America,
malnutrition, hunger, and nutrition disorders. This book was published by the
Wesleyan University Press in Scranton, PA and was distributed by Harper and
Row. There is not a way to contact the publishing company directly. This is a
fairly accurate source, being the first edition, obviously there will be some
editing necessary in the future, but the information in the book is accurate
and from a professional source. It is written in more of an informational way
rather than an opinionated way. The purpose of this source is to inform the
reader about hunger in the United States. That purpose is made extremely
clear in the title of the book itself; Hunger in America: the growing epidemic.
I could not find any reviews about this book but I was also using the Emporia
library site as a reference, I think if I were to use the Internet to search the
book I would be able to find reviews. Overall I would rate this source a 3 out
of 5. I gave it a 3 mostly because of the year it was published; I need
something a little more recent in order to put information that is currently
accurate into my research.
Scholarly (peer reviewed) journal article:
Hunger and Malnutrition in the United States. (1987). American Journal of
Public Health,
77(1), 104.
This article discusses the ideas proposed by the America Public Health
Association to solve hunger and malnutrition in the United States. This article
talks about how hunger and malnutrition were due to the lack of federal food
assistance programs, the funds for nutrition and health programs, and the
nutrition surveillance system. Throughout these problems the American
Public Health Association proposed to the US congress to renew the national
commitment to basic nutritional needs and requested they review all
proposed legislation and policy decisions. They want congress to pass
legislation for federal assistance programs.
This article was published in 1987 so comparing it to our book source,
the information is getting slightly more current but is still not current enough.
In this article there is mostly talk about the issues of certain topics and not
so much the statistics. This is convenient because since the stats would be
irrelevant anyways since its an older publication. The information in this
article is relevant to my topic and follows a lot of what the book talks about
such as; malnutrition, nutrition disorders, hunger, poverty. This article brings
up topics like legislative bills and food relief. This article was extremely short
and to the point, but I wish it would have gone a little bit more depth. I do
not feel like the information was written in an opinionated way but the facts
it did provide were very brief and I do not feel like they would assist me in
my research. The facts were gathered from the source American Journal of

Public Health. This is a well-known journal and is very reliable. I do think this
source helped me to discover a few new topics to look into, but I do not think
there was enough information about each topic for me to use this in my
research, therefore I rate this source a 2.
McMillan, T. (2014, August 7). The New Face of Hunger. National Geographic.
This magazine article starts off with a story trying to related to the
everyday family. It gives an example of a family suffering from hunger, and
how times have changed for that family because of the economy. After giving
an example to grab the readers attention the article goes on to provide eyeopening statistics about hunger in our country. It explains that over half of
hungry households in America are white, and two-thirds of those with
children have at least one working adult. The article mentions how in 2006
the U.S. government replaced the word hunger with the term food
insecure to define people didnt have enough food eat. The end of this
article talks about ways we can help stop hunger in this country.
This article was featured in the August issue of a well-known magazine
National Geographic in 2014. This is an excellent source and includes a
variety of current, reliable information. This is information I plan on using in
my research because it utilizes real events and explains the issue of hunger
in our country. This article was long and went in to accurate information from
real sources. The author, Tracie McMillan, is also the author of The American
Way of Eating and a senior fellow at the Schuster Institute for investigative
journalism at Brandeis University. There were several pictures in this article
and there is a citation for each one. This article talks about the new face of
hunger through several families who live in hunger, and it explores current
data on issues such as food costs, availability, policy, habits, and growing
obesity among Americas food insecurity. I would rate this article a 5
because I liked the information in the article and the approach this author
went with in terms of her research. It comes from a different view of things
and not the typical factual information, but more of personal experience,
people who are actually going through the struggles in their everyday lives.
Hunger in America 2014. (2015, September 1). Retrieved November 10,
2015, from
This website talks about hunger in America by first providing current
up-to-date statistics about just how real this problem is throughout the
country. It provides some of these statistics in the form of graphics, which is

much more of an attention grabbing technique to use. It also talks a lot

about how hunger in America is trying to be put to an end and different ways
you can get involved to help. Some of these things include agencies and food
programs providing lists of foods that families can donate for those in need.
It also provides information about health and housing and the types of
families they have helped.
This is a website about feeding America and it is frequently updated
throughout the year. This article I selected about Hunger in America 2014
was last edited in September 2015. This being said it is up-to-date, accurate
information. In this article there are various links to an extended version of
the article. This extended version lists several authors and organizations as
sources. That being said the information within this article is extremely
accurate because it provides a variety of sources as proof. Feeding America
is the name of the website and the publication company. As mentioned
before they use a surplus of outside researchers and organizations to cite
their information. The purpose of this source is to provide not only statistics
about hunger in America, but also inform the reader about the various
community organizations in hopes to help put an end to hunger in America
across the country. They want to help guide the development of programs
and solutions that improve food security for individuals and their households.
Feeding America also informs public policy and support for solving hunger in
America. Overall I would rate this source a 4.5 because I definitely plan on
using this information for my research!
Laliberte, S. (2010, September 13). Hunger in America. Retrieved from
This article is about who is suffering from hunger in the United States.
It basically summarizes a variety of facts and statistics that will be helpful for
me to reference in my paper about this research. It breaks down general
facts about people hungry in America, but then goes into several categories
going even more in-depth in each one. The first category contains facts
about children in hunger in America. The second category is about singleparent families suffering from hunger. It states that nearly 1/3 of single
parent families, predominantly headed by single mothers, are food insecure
and/or hungry. This article also provides statistics about low-income families
in America, seniors, immigrants, and rural families.
This is an article I found through Google Scholar. I searched Hunger in
America and decided to pick the article that was most recently updated. This
article actually has some great information, being published in 2010 I can
use most of the information given to me from this article. At first, I was
unsure if the information was reliable but once I scrolled to the end of the
document I was able to see almost two full pages of outside sources they

used to collect the research within the article from. The publishing company,
the Oakland Institute, does not provide direct contact information, but with
some further searching I think you could find possibly an email to contact
them. The author Shannon Laliberte, should not necessarily be considered
the author but more so the researcher compiler. She put together
information from a variety of sources to create this article. The information
Shannon found focuses on who is in hunger. She talks about seniors,
immigrants, low-income families, single-parent families, rural families, and
children who are all suffering from hunger in America. This article also
provides some basic facts about hunger at the very beginning of the article. I
would rate this article a 3.5 out of 5 because the information is current and I
can definitely see myself using this in my research.

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