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Running head: (SEANSS STORY)

Title of Your Paper ( SEANS STORY)

Yahya Muse
Salt Lake Community College

Title of Your Paper (Seans Story)


Its a story that is about a kid with a down syndrome. His parents insist that he should
attend regular classrooms with regular children instead of with disability kids. He was kept in a
disability school for 8 years. Sean had 10 fingers and 10 toes. He was enrolled in a special child
education for the past 8 years. He was discriminated and his mom finally fought for him and he
was taken to regular classrooms with regular kids.
Sean had four additional teachers that were helping him at school so that he can into the
same level as other kids. The teachers believed that Sean will never get better and he was the
same way as he came to the school. Most teachers complained that they are never trained to help
Sean. He was i9n a segregated school for 7 years and most of his new school teachers wanted to
get rid of him from the regular school. The teachers complained that kids like Sean made chaos
in their classroom. Sean finally graduated from 1 grade and was promoted to 2 grade. In my
opinion I think that Sean was improving and he got used to with his friends in regular classes and
most of his classmates were giving good comments about Sean to their teachers.
If I were an elementary school teacher and I had a disabled child in my classroom, I will
do all I can to make sure that disabled child had the same right as the normal kids in my class
and I will help that child to obtain and reach his goals. I will make him interact with other
students. Make him read books with others, make him play with the rest of the kids; eat food
together, until he is used to the new life with the regular kids. I will spend more time with him
after school so that he can catch up with the lessons and also help him do his homework. I will
visit him on weekends to make sure he doesnt give up and never feels neglected. I will make
him sit with the smartest kids so that he can learn and benefit from there.



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