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LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL...............................................................................

COVER PAGE:................................................................................................. 5
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................................................................................6
ANALYSIS...................................................................................................... 7
PROBLEM STATEMENT....................................................................................7
ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS...............................................................................7
CRITERIA....................................................................................................... 7
EVALUATION OF OPTIONS...............................................................................8
CONTINGENCY PLAN......................................................................................9

Letter of Transmittal
IIM Indore Mumbai Campus
Mahaavir Icon
Plot no: 89/90
CBD Belapur
Navi Mumbai
Date: 07/11/2015
Sub: Submission of report on SAS Real Estate forgery case
Respected sir,
Thanks for providing us the opportunity to submit a report on the dilemma faced
by Mr. Haider Ali regarding Tanveer Shah's dismissal".
Though there is only circumstantial evidence against Mr Shah. Firing him is
against the smooth operation of the firm, lawsuit against him, or counter lawsuit
by him, interaction like these are against the companys credibility and image.
Moreover, Ali incurred a lot of cost for shah's training, doing that for another
trainee, is not economically viable.
We hope you find this report satisfactory
Thanks and regards,
Group 9 Consulting

SAS Real Estate

Cover Page:

SAS Real Estate

Forgery Case.
Made By: Group 9 Consulting
Submitted to: Abha Chatterjee

Executive Summary
This report provides an analysis of the SAS Real Estate forgery case dated March,
2014 and recommendations regarding the same. The stakeholders in the case
are Haider Ali (50 % shareholder in SAS Real Estate), Tanveer Shah (sole operator
of the accounting software).
SAS was a real estate agency located in Sadiqabad, Pakistan. The company
established its foothold in the housing market by offering flexible contractual
terms to buyer.Tanveer shah , joined the company in around 2009 and within 2
years became the sole operator of the book keeping software after Shabazz( the
previous Chief Accounting officer) left the company.On March 4 ,2014 Ali came to
know about a forged transaction of 7.5 million Pakistani Rs.The bank cashed the
expired cheque without thorough examination of identity and authenticated
signature.The CCTV footages at the bank were not helpful in recognising the
impersonator. Also the amended date on the cheque was not verified.It was Shah
who held keys to drawer where cheques were kept and he was the only person
present in the office when the cheque went missing.Ali sued the bank for
irresponsible conduct and set an investigation committee to look into the matter.
The committee suspected Shah as the convict due to circumstantial
evidences.Mr Ali could not fire shah as on lack of evidence. Also, since he
incurred huge costs on training of Shah, his dismissal would be a loss to the
company especially when the company was planning to venture into its largest
project. He also opinionated that case filed from either side would affect the
companys reputation in the market.
Hence Mr Ali could either keep the status quo till investigation committee
submits a report, fire Shah from the company, get Shahs bank details
investigated or be the sole supervisor while conducting any financial operations.

It was found that on 3rd March, 2014, when it was an off day for SAS, Shah was
the lone person in the office. When the cheque went missing the investigating
committee inferred that Shah could be the perpetrator as he held the keys for
the drawer and was available in the office around the time the cheque was
stolen. But there were no strong testimony to prove the same.
Also Ali filed a case against bank for such irresponsible conduct of allowing fake
ID to surpass and cashing the cheque with authenticating the signatures and the
expiry date. It became difficult for Ali to fire Shah because at the time when he
acquired his largest building project between Sadiqabad and Rahim Yar khan, he
could not afford to lose his experienced employee, Shah. Also if Shah was fired
the cost of training a new intern would not be economically viable. Moreover a
law suit from either side will bring bad name to the company.

Problem statement
Ali faces the dilemma whether to let Shah continue in the company despite
circumstantial evidences of fidelity or expel him and Risk Companys reputation
and the sole operator of the book keeping software.

Alternative Solutions
1. Maintain the status quo and let things continue the way till the
investigation committee submits a report
2. Mr Ali can confront Shah regarding the misplacement of cheque.
3. Mr Ali can fire Shah for fidelity

Mr Ali has to keep in mind that since no alternate resource is available for
handling the software, the cost of firing Shah can eat up the business. The
companys value may depreciate in the market because of a vague action. The
risk of dismissing Shah without any strong evidence may invite a lawsuit against
SAS which can become a rather costly affair in terms of money as well as

Evaluation of options
1. Maintain the status quo and let things continue the way till the
investigation committee submits a report: This can be an option because if
Shah would not be convicted, he will remain loyal to the firm for the
amount of trust put by Ali in him.
2. Mr Ali can confront Shah regarding the misplacement of cheque: He can
directly communicate his suspicion and explain him that situation is not in
Shahs favour and his career can be spoiled. SAS holds its dominance in
the market and anything negative about Shah can be a stigma to his
career. He can offer Shah Job security in case Shah agrees to confess and
return the stolen amount. He can put in the condition of non-declarance of
the theft and let go off any charges against Shah.
3. Mr Ali can fire Shah for fidelity: This may be risky as unfair dismissal of
Shah can bring legal action against Ali. Till the situation is under control Ali
can hire another temporary Accounting Officer well versed with thee
software, provide him /her with the history of the firm and analyse the
transactions and funds.

The best option will be to maintain the status quo and let things continue
the way till the investigation committee submits a report as without any
solid evidence he will not be able to take any legal action against Shah.
Moreover this can soil companys reputation making clients apprehensive
of trading with SAS. Also till the time nothing is proven he will have the
operations of the firm continue as they are. Shah being the sole operator
of the software will continue working, especially at a time when the
company was working on a very huge project. The long term effects of this
action can increase Shahs loyalty towards the company if he was not
convicted. As for the lost 7.5 million cheque, the case filed on bank can
help him recover the money as it was carelessness on the banks side. The
rest two options can be ignored as both the options are riskier and will
cost the company.

To implement the option, Mr Ali should not let Shah feel that negative
perceptions regarding the forgery case are being formed against him. In
addition Ali can employ another trainee who could work with Shah as an
assistant. He can take supervision of various financial activities in order to
prevent any other mishaps.

Contingency Plan
If Shah is convicted by the investigation committee, Ali should fire him
without any further adieu. Also he should hire a temporary accounting
personnel who is well versed with the book keeping software so that
account management can be done without Shah. Even though it will cost
him extra but he will have a backup. The example of firing Shah after full
analysis will not only create a positive image regarding his decision
making ability, but also help him win over clients and employees. But if
he takes any action without taking into consideration the decision of the
investigation committee, this would set a bad example in the minds of the
employees and would instil a feeling of distrust. This would project an
image of a management who rushes through its decision and lacks faith in

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