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Hannah Leong

ENGL 375
Professor Vanden Bosch
Chapter 11 #5c (pg. 223)
Sentence: Is not she intelligent?
Problem: This is a problem of knowing whether the negative in a negative question should
be contracted or uncontracted. When not comes before the subject of a sentence, it must be
contracted with the auxiliary verb of the sentence. When not comes after the subject of a
sentence, it should be left uncontracted. See the following example.
Do not you play guitar?

Not before subject you. Dont you play guitar? (Contracted)

Do you not play guitar?

Not after subject you. The sentence is correct. (Uncontracted)

*Note: The uncontracted form is usually more formal.

Solution: Not comes before the subject she, so it should be contracted with the verb is.
Is not she intelligent?

Isnt she intelligent?

Practice Exercises:
Circle the subject of the sentence. According to the placement of the negative in relation to
the subject, identify whether the question should be contracted or uncontracted. If the
question should be contracted, rewrite it as such.

Are they not welcome here? _____________________________________________________

Is not she lovely? __________________________________________________________________
Is not she wonderful? _____________________________________________________________
Have you not heard? ______________________________________________________________
Do not you like pistachios? _______________________________________________________

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