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Health Promotion Plan

Content Area: Nutrition

Needs Assessment to be used: ________________________________________

Main Seminar Objectives

Cognitive = During the 10 day seminar, the student will interpret the nutrition information by lecture, group discussions, and activities.
Psychomotor = During the 10 day seminar, the student will make healthier and educated choices with nutrition by completing group discussion
and projects.
Affective = During the 10 day seminar, the student will feel confident when making choices with their nutrition.

Life skill - The student will understand basic nutrition information concepts and encourage them in a personal or community setting.
Day 1: Hydration/Drinks

Day 2: Food Groups

Day 3: Fats/Oils

Day 4: Label Reading

Lecture: Power Point

Activity: Rethink Your Drink
Discussion: Questions

Lecture: Power Point

Activity1: Create MyPlate
Acivity2: Food List
Activity3: Healthy Meal Building
Discussion: Questions

Lecture: Power Point

Activity: Grease Test
Discussion: Questions

Lecture: Power Point

Activity: Read Labels Worksheets
Discussion: Questions

Standards Addressed -

Standards Addressed -

Standards Addressed -

Day 6: Grocery Shopping &


Day 7: Fast Food & Documentary

Standards Addressed -

Day 5: Healthy Recipe

Activity1: Make energy bites
Activity2: Watch videos of Jamie
Oliver: Food Revolution

Standards Addressed -

Lecture: Power Point

Activity1: Make your own shopping
Discussion: Questions
Activity2: 20 minutes Fed Up
Standards Addressed -

Lecture: Power Point

Activity1: Identify Logos
Discussion: Questions
Activity2: 20 minutes Fed Up

Standards Addressed -

Day 8: School Lunch &

Lecture: Power Point
Activity1: Lunch Around the World
Activity2: Pack your own lunch
Activity3: 20 minutes Fed Up
Standards Addressed -

Day 9: Diet Related Disease &


Day 10: Mindful Eating &


Lecture: Power Point & Videos

Activity1: Exercise
Activity2: 20 minutes Fed Up

Lecture: Power Point

Activity1: Mindful eating
Activity 2: Healthy snack
Activity3: Remainder of Fed Up
Activity 4: Class Evaluation
Standards Addressed -

Standards Addressed -

Training or Presentation materials needed:

-Computer, speakers, power point presentations, scrap paper, worksheets, pencils, markers, You tube and Netflix access, cups, sugar, nutrition
labels, spoons, measuring cups, energy bites ingredients, trail mix ingredients, printed out recipes, music, chocolate, paper bags, grease test snacks,
and paper plates.
1. Opening questions and closing questions
2. Worksheets for drink log, label reading, grocery shopping lists, and healthy food lists.
Adaptations for diverse populations:
Age range adaptations The information given is for students in grades fourth through eighth. The nutrition topics involve basic
information that is important for kids to know and understand. Questions developed will measure the students previous knowledge of each topic.

Trainer/Presenter Reflection: responses to these questions need to be included for the seminar plan to be complete
1. How are your clients productively engaged in the development of the identified life skill?

a. The students were productively engaged through questions, discussions, informational power points, videos,
and multiple activities.
2. What informal assessment activities are planned as a formative measure to check for understanding of either
content or life skills?
a. The informal assessments are the worksheets given during class for each student to work on individually.
Along with the Rethink Your Drink activity when each student was required to examine a nutrition label
from a drink, calculate, and measure out the exact amount of sugar for one serving of that drink.
3. What formal assessment activities are planned as a summative measure of your clients seminar objectives?
a. The class evaluation at the end.
4. What materials are included for adaptation of this seminar for diverse populations?
a. Additional videos for those who do not understand the topics, class discussion, group and individual
activities, and take home activities.

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