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Karolines Classroom News

September 2015

Welcome to Ms. Karolines 1st Grade class!

Hello! My name is Ms. Karoline and I am September at a glance
so excited to spend the year teaching
Wednesday, September 9th- 1st
and learning with your children! I will send
Day of School!!
monthly newsletters home with the
Friday, September 18th- Sign up
children and via email to keep parents
for Parent Teacher Conferences
and guardians informed on classroom
Monday, September 28th- School
activities and events. I will also be
Assembly on Nutrition
providing information in each months
letter on ways for children to stay safe
while playing outdoors.
The Importance of Playing Outdoors: Increased Attention
Playing outdoors is extremely beneficial to a young childs physical fitness
and developing a life long dedication to enjoying physical activity. Playing outdoors
is also an important part of children staying spiritually and mentally healthy.
According to the a study conducted by Kuo and Taylor, outdoor play
increases a childs attention span more than other types of physical activity. During
the school day it is especially important that children get time to paly outdoors so
they can be attentive throughout the day.
Kuo, F. E., & Faber Taylor, A. (2004). A Potential Natural Treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Evidence From
a National Study. American Journal of Public Health, 94(9), 15801586.

Tips for Safe Outdoors Play at


Send children to school with

adequate shoes and weather
appropriate clothing
Teach children how to play safely
on playground equipment

Ideas for Games and Activities

Outdoors at School:

Group games that encourage

competition and recreation- Tag,
Soccer, Football, or Basketball

Ms. Karolines Classroom News

October at a glance

October 2015

Monday, October 12th through Wednesday, October 14th- Parent Teacher

Conferences After School
Friday, October 16th- Field Trip to Michigan State 4-H Childrens Gardens
Friday, October 30th- Halloween Party and Parade!!
The Importance of Playing Outdoors: Reduced Stress

Another benefit that children who play outdoors receive is reduced stress.
Children that spend more time paying outdoors have less stress than children that
spend more time playing indoors.
Two Cornell University environmental psychologists conducted a study and
found that children who live in high-nature conditions compared with children who
live in low-nature conditions are less affected by stress.
"Even in a rural setting with a relative abundance of green landscape, more
appears to be better when it comes to bolstering children's resilience against
stress or adversity." Researcher Nancy Wells
Lang, Susan S. "A Room with a View Helps Rural Children Deal with Life's Stresses, Cornell Researchers Report | Cornell
Chronicle." A Room with a View Helps Rural Children Deal with Life's Stresses, Cornell Researchers Report | Cornell
Chronicle. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. <>.

Tips for Safe Outdoors Play at

Ideas for Games and Activities


Outdoors at Home:

Know what is in your own

backyard. Certain plants can be
harmful when touched or eaten.
Check out more information here
Have clear boundaries/safe
areas for play

Go on a backyard scavenger
Riding bicycles

Ms. Karolines Classroom News

November 2015

November at a glance

Tuesday, November 24th- Thanksgiving Celebration in Auditorium 5pm

Wednesday, November 25th- Friday, November 27th- NO SCHOOL
The Importance of Playing Outdoors: Provides Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are
important for building strong bones. Vitamin D also protects children from future
bone problems, diabetes, and heart disease.
Children can get vitamin D by drinking milk, but sometimes this just isnt
enough. So how can children get more vitamin D? You guessed it, by playing
outdoors! Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D. Playing outside for just a few
minutes a day can increase vitamin D and help children stay healthy.
However, when children are playing outside in the sun it is important to
consider some sun safety tips.
"Vitamin D: On the Double." N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.

Tips for Safe Outdoors Play:

Sun Safety:
Although the sun is a great source for
essential vitamin D, it doesnt take
much unprotected sun exposure to
cause damage to our skin and eyes. It
is important to consider these tips when
children are playing outdoors in the sun:
Avoid the strongest sunrays
during the day, usually between
10am and 4pm.
Apply sunscreen 15-20 minutes
before heading outside
Wear sunglasses to protect your

Ideas for Games and Activities

Outdoors: Sun Safety

Games that have frequent

breaks to prevent heat
Encourage covering up, use of

Ms. Karolines Classroom News

December 2015

December at a glance

Wednesday, December 9th- Student Work Showcase after school

Friday, December 18th- Last Day of School
Monday, December 21st through Monday, January 4th- NO SCHOOL
The Importance of Playing Outdoors: Improves Vision

Another benefit that children receive from playing outdoors is improved

vision. Myopia, or nearsightedness, is an error of the eye in which light cannot
focus on the retina. Nearsightedness in Americans has increased dramatically in
the last 30 years. Although the exact cause is unknown, many doctors believe it is
linked to the eye fatigue from computer use and other extended near vision tasks
such as gazing at screens for long periods of time (All About Vision).
However, several studies completed in Australia concluded that children who
spend more time outdoors are less likely to develop nearsightedness. The
research does not name a single cause but does say that the brighter light of an
outdoor environment may help the pupil construction learning to a greater depth of
focus (McBrien et al., 2008).
"Can You Prevent Myopia (nearsightedness) Progression?" All About Vision. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2015.
McBrien, Neville A., Ian G. Morgan, and Donald O. Mutti. "What's Hot in Myopia Research-The 12th International Myopia... :
Optometry & Vision Science." Optometry and Vision Science. American Academy of Optometry, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2015.

Tips for Safe Outdoors Play:

Cold Safety:
It is important to get outside and play,
even in the colder months! Here are
some tips to stay safe in the cold!
Dress for the weather!
Have a snack before going
outdoors, the extra calories will
give your body energy
Have an extra pair of dry gloves
or mittens

Ideas for Games and Activities

Outdoors: Cold Safety
Have a snowman-building
contest with the whole family!
o Everyone gets 30 minutes
to build a snowman
o Then have judging inside
with a warm cup of coco!

Ms. Karolines Classroom News

January 2015

January at a glance

Monday, January 4th- Back to School

Monday, January 11th through Thursday, January 14th- Parent Teacher
Conferences After School
The Importance of Playing Outdoors: Promotes Social Skills

Alyssa Ross, from KaBOOM national non-profit dedicated to bringing daily

play to the lives of all kids, says that playing outdoors offers many social benefits
to children as well. Children develop a wide range of social skills when playing
For example, children learn turn taking on the slide at the playground. They
are learning social skills and executive functions while playing and enjoying the
"5 Health Benefits of Playing Outside." N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2015.

Tips for Safe Outdoors Play:

Ideas for Games and Activities

Talking to Strangers:


One challenge that parents face is

teaching their children to be cautious of
strangers without filling them with fear
and anxiety. Here are some tips on how
to help children be aware of strangers
but not filled with fear.
Make sure your kids know their
names, addresses, and phone

Talk about what to do if they
ever get in trouble- call for help,
scream, and find a police or
security officer if they are in a
public place.

Point out homes of friends in the

neighborhood where kids can go
in case of trouble
Make sure kids know whose cars
they may ride in and whose cars
they may not- share this
information with their teacher,

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