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Age Appropriate:

Ringo is a toy that is suitable

for children of all ages but are
preferred for preoperational
staged children from three
years old up to five years old.
This toy doesnt contain any
hazardous or small items to
prevent it from harming the

Ringo will help with the cognitive development of
the child by helping him/her understand and
symbolize an octopus, whilst also counting its
limbs. Jean Piaget believes that children see the life
and people around them and then construct it to
their own liking to create a world of their own
which is when symbolic play and imaginative play
happens it helps emotion regulation and
development, the child sees everyone and
everything around them as a symbol, they mimic
these symbols through their toys while expressing
how they feel and what they want to say which is
connected to what Erik Erikson once said You see
a child play, and it is so close to seeing an artist
paint, for in play a child says things without uttering
a word. You can see how he solves his problems.
You can also see what's wrong. Young children,
especially, have enormous creativity, and whatever's
in them rises to the surface in free play. Ringo is
neither a girl nor a boy which can improve the
childs creativity by allowing them to create a
character of their own and who they want Ringo to
be. Social development can be build in different
ways such as a teacher or parent using this doll as a
way to communicate with their child or students, to
express examples or make them pay attention,
children can also use Ringo as a toy to play around
and socialize with the rest of the students with other
toys. This octopus can improve the childrens
motor skills, because they can shake it and carry
around, move Ringos legs, and play around with
Ringo and take him/her wherever they please.

The octopus that wants to be your best friend.

Made by: Aisha Ali Alowais

Instructor: Miss Antoinette Wiseman

Toy Description:
Ringo The Octopus is a white plush that has eight grey
and white striped legs and two black eyes.


"Play is the answer to how

anything new comes about."
- Jean Piaget

The reason Ringo is suitable for children in the
preoperational stage is that its multiple functions
can enhance five types of play.
First play it enhances is Constructive Play where
the children can change how the Ringo looks like,
and what animal it symbolizes. Second is
Imaginative Play where children role play through
the doll pretending to talk through it to express
themselves. Third is Associative Play where the
child can separately from others because he has a
different toy but is close to them and mimicking
their actions. Fourth is Manipulative Play where
the children to take control of the doll and can carry
it around with them. Fifth is Exploratory Play
where children use their senses of touch to explore
and discover the texture and function of Ringos
body shape and eight legs.

Bruce, T. (2011). Learning Through Play; For babies,
toddlers and young children (2nd ed.). Britian: Hodder
Jean Piaget, B. I. (1950). The Psychology of the Child.
Erik Erikson Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Carolyn Saarni, P. (2011, September). Emotional
Development in Childhood. Retrieved from Child

This stuffed plush is an baby octopus fhat has no ears,

and soft eight legs, the child will be able to grasp and
hold the toy and play with its cute legs. Ringo also has
two black circular eyes that are made of jeans and have
been sewn to make sure that the children dont try to rip it
apart. Ringo is soft and light and is can easily be carried

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