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Look at the screenshots and order the statements.

Write numbers 1 to 9.
_______Gadgets have a built-in shelf life. This means they quickly
become out of fashion or useless. So, consumers have to buy upgraded
gadgets and industries profit.
_______The factories that make gadgets are often in countries where
there is no or little respect for worker health and safety.
________Mining companies often destroy local communities and the
environment to mine these minerals. Sometimes, there are conflicts and
child labour.
_______ We produce 20-50 million of toxic e-waste every year. We don't
have many planets to sustain us, we only have one.
_______Sometimes, there is nothing wrong with our gadgets, but
advertising pushes us to upgrade them because they are "unfashionable".
_________There are 4,300 mineral species on Earth. Electronic
industries need the minerals to make gadgets. Mining companies take out
the minerals.
_______New models come out every year. They are faster and shinier.
_______ Ships carry minerals from different parts of the world to places
where there are factories that produce electronic gadgets.
_______ We are connected to each other, but disconnected from our
planet, Earth.

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