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Junearick 1

Running to Save Lives

Why Water and Why Running is the question that members of Team World Vision is
often asked. Each time the question is asked the answer is stated in a clear and precise manner It
just works that way. Team World is a Christian organization that has been around for more
than 60 years built on the foundation of helping communities and families worldwide (Jode 14 &
World The organization works in more than 100 countries serving the poor (Jode
14). The beliefs of the organization are : We believe in a full solution to poverty and injustice.
We provide emergency assistance to children and families affected by disasters and conflict,
partner with communities for long-term solutions to alleviate poverty, and advocate for justice on
behalf of the poor (World Throughout the course of this paper I will discuss
water issues in Kenya, the government role in making sure clean water is accessible, and a
personal story of someone from Chicago who ran with Team World Vision.

Unlike the United States, citizens in

Kenya can not walk to a local store to obtain clean water. Instead they have to walk 3.1 miles

Junearick 2

both ways to fetch dirty water from the same river that cows and other animals also use as a
water source. After fetching the water they have to walk back to their village carrying a heavy
jerry can weighing 15-20 kg. Not only do the individuals have to worry about the weight of the
can they also have to stay alert for kidnappers. The reason is that women and children are given
the job to fetching water which puts them at risk for sexual harassment, or even rape (Jode 14) .
The worst part about carrying the jerry cans is that they are filled with dirty water that can cause
diseases and other illness. The individuals carrying the dirty water know that the water is making
them sick but they have no other choice because it is their only source of water.
The negative side effects are far more complex because the human body can not survive
without water. In fact, 70 percent of the human body is comprised of water. Some of the side
effects of the dirty water include but are not limited to:
However, this is the story for many individuals living in rural Kenya. Women and
children spend the majority of their day fetching dirty water to use for various purposes; bathing,
washing clothes, cooking with, and for drinking water (Jode 8 & World In fact, over
1600 children under the age of 5 die daily; due to the water. When individuals visit the local
health centers, they are told that they are sick due to the dirty water (Jode 8 & World
Even when they are given medicine, it does not always help. Medication only treat symptoms.
Therefore, it is impossible for symptoms to not return to human body if they are not being treated
properly. The issue is not with the medication it is with the daily intake of the dirty drinking
water (Jode 9).

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Why Water? It is impossible to live life in all its fullness without water (Jode 10). The
inability to access clean water has a huge effect on the quality of life a person can live. It has
been stated by researchers unsafe water is not just dirty, it's deadly (Jode 11 p.1) Researchers
stated this bluntly manner because they wanted everyone to understand that dirty water kills. Not
only does dirty water kill, but it also equal to a life of struggle and illness. Dirty water leads to a
life of struggle because individuals living in poor communities do not have the same
opportunities to live a full life. To explain, women and children mainly younger girls are the ones
who are the task of fetching water daily. With that being said during the girls monthly menstrual
cycle she can not attend school. The girls can not attend school because she can not properly
clean herself ( Jode 11 & 14).
In order to clean herself she needs clean water not dirty water. The struggle does not end
there because poor hygiene leads to sickness. Being that the family is already struggling with
lack of resources they give their very last to obtain medical care which is very expensive (Jode
11). Illness that are a direct side effect of dirty water include but are not limited to liver disease,
malnutrition, and can even lead to blindness (Jode 11). Diarrhea of the leading causes of death
globally especially among children (Dye 2011). The only solution to this problem is
improving the quality of water. Team World Vision understands the importance of clean water
( Brooks 2006 & Dye et. al 2011). Health challenges have been the biggest side effect of not
having clean water (Rodrigues et. al 2015).
The founders of Team World Vision understood that all of these illness can be prevented
if families had access to clean water. For this reason, the organization was built on the principle
of helping individuals who are poor live a life of quality ( Over 60s years ago

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the founders had a vision of helping individuals world towards sustainability. This is the same
goal that the organization thrive on today. Team World Vision works with the government,
religious leaders, along with people in the community to provide clean water (Hope 2015
& Team World Vision makes sure that the engineers are also involved in the
process of choosing the water point (

Clean water projects are focused on improving the quality of life and meeting the needs
of the people in the community ( Many people in the community has lived
majority of their life without access to clean water (Jode 14,,&Schmidt et. al
1534 ). Therefore, the water projects work on building a community with improved sanitation
and hygiene solutions (Jode37& Solutions such as effective handwashing habits,
building latrines, and putting together groups of people to help with encourage individuals to
practice good sanitation habits (

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Practicing Good hygiene is a way of life in the United States. In fact, good hygiene is
promoted in commercials taught in homes and schools from a very young age. In fact, bad
hygiene is frown upon. Candidly speaking the subject of hygiene is a touchy subject in the
United States. The reason is that society is a firm believer in the stance that water is free and that
all individuals have access to clean water. Likewise, individuals in the community in Africa is
learning that clean water is the foundation to a healthier life. Handwashing with soap has been
suggested to prevent skin infections, respiratory infections and other germs that can be transmitted by
unclean hands (Schmidt et al. 1534).
In order to make sure that families are practicing good hygiene Wash Sanitation Hygiene club
build a relationship with children in school. WASH build a relationship with children in school because
they believe that building a relationship with children is one of the most effective ways to effect change
(Jode 39 & Alexander 2013). The WASH club has proven to be effective because he group is
comprised of individuals from Africa ( They are all residents of the land and knows what
others in the land need (Jode 39 & World Vision help bring clean water to communities
by improving the water source through construction (Jode 17). Before the system is designed everyone in
the community will be informed because it can not be completed without residents of the community
(Jode 19 & The type of water system that is installed is highly correlated with the layout
of the land ( Below you will find a list of how water systems are installed:

Drill Rigs = These trucks are used to drill underground to access water aquifers.
Rain catchment = Collect rainwater into storage tank to be treated and approved for distribution.

Depending on the need of community determines if rain catchments will be used.

Wells = Hand pumps allow water to be generated without electricity.
Water Kiosks = Water stand where community members can receive water for a small price.
Solar pumps = Help feed water to various communities by pulling water from various pumps.
Pipeline = Transport water from access points

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The most positive aspect of Team World Vision water project is that it uses local technicians and
community members to help maintain the system. Therefore, once members of Team World Vision leaves
the community in 15 years they can maintain what has been done. The government in Africa is also apart
of this helping model. The government works with Team World Vision by advocating the needs of the
people in the community to Team World Vision (Jode 11).
World Vision has taken their strong Christian Values to help millions of people in rural
communities in Kenya receive clean water. The organization aim is to be a great example of Gods
unconditional never ending love for all people. Team World Vision is using running as a way to change
the lives of millions of people living in poverty. Below I am sharing a personal Thank you letter that
Andreakia shared with her supporters after running for Team World Vision October 13, 2014.
"My Love of running and helpings others"
Over a year ago I embarked upon a journey.....not any journey but a journey that would forever
change my life and the way I lend a helping hand.
One of my biggest goals in life is to be compassionate like Jesus...( Walking in his light and
helping others even when he was tired and had no strength. )
I am not Jesus, I can't turn water into wine, heal the blind, part the Red Sea get my drift...
But what I can do is Run... And might I add...I do it very well!! :)
I always say... I don't want to exist to exist I want to make a difference, I want to lend a helping
hand because I am exactly the lady my mother raised me to be... And she wouldn't sit around and watch
someone else suffer if she had the means to help...

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If I jog my memory correctly it was after the Super Bowl or during the Olympics of 2014... A
running group came to my church Willow Chicago and presented this presentation on how individuals can
run the Chicago Marathon and help individuals in Africa receive clean water.....
Before the presentation was over...I committed in my mind....that I Andreia was going to run the
Chicago Marathon and help individuals in Africa receive clean water!!!
"go big or go home"
After church, I was curious I talked with several members of the organization and before I left
church that Sunday I committed to running 26.2 and raising 1, 310.00.
I wasn't nervous about the running because I am something serious when my shoes hit the
pavement (lol). But all honesty I was nervous about raising the money.
I was nervous that people would say no, they would say why are running for people you don't
know, where is the money actually going, I need money for myself, why aren't you helping people in the
Yes all of those statements were announced to me in the form of questions or sarcastic
statements...but I was not shocked or taken aback...I do live in America where some people thrive off the
mantra of " pulling yourself up by own bootstraps" or everything I have I earned; nothing was given to
I respect that... But what if Jesus had told God no I am not giving my life for people I don't know.
"Where would we be?"
From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for saying Yes and helping saves lives of many
people you will never meet or know!! You indeed made a difference!!

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Thanks for helping me use my gift of running to help others have access to clean water!
Because of you I raise 1, 333.00
The goal was 1,310.00 Look at you helping me live out my spiritual purpose.

From October 2014 until now I can not thinking stop thinking about how so many people lay
their life on the line by running a marathon for people they may never meet or know in this lifetime. They
spend long hours and weekends running in unbearable weather to make sure they stay true to their world
of helping individuals in Africa. Team World Vision is the epitome of advocating for individuals who can
not advocate for themselves. One day I hope to run a half marathon to help others in need. If you want
to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

Junearick 9

Works Cited
Alexander, K. T., Dreibelbis, R., Freeman, M. C., Ojeny, B., & Rheingans, R. (2013).
Improving service
delivery of water, sanitation, and hygiene in primary schools: a clusterrandomized trial in
western Kenya. Journal Of Water & Health, 11(3), 507-519.
Blum, D. E. (2006). Cautiously, World Vision Creates an Endowment. Chronicle Of
Higher Education, 52
(39), B17.
Brooks, J. T., Ochieng, J. B., Kumar, L., Okoth, G., Shapiro, R. L., Wells, J. G., & ...
Slutsker, L. (2006).

Junearick 10

Surveillance for Bacterial Diarrhea and Antimicrobial Resistance in Rural

Western Kenya, 19972003. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 43(4), 393-401.
Dye, T. V., Apondi, R., Lugada, E., Kahn, J. G., Sandiford-Day, M. A., & DasBanerjee, T.
(2011). A
Qualitative Assessment of Beliefs, Attitudes, and Behaviors Related to
Diarrhea and Water
Filtration in Rural Kenya. American Journal Of Public Health, 101(8), 15151520.
Hope, R. (2015). Is community water management the community's choice?
Implications for water and
development policy in Africa. Water Policy, 17(4), 664-678.
Joachim Rodrigues, A., Shem Oyoo, W., Odundo, F. O., & Wambu, E. W. (2015). Socioeconomic factors
Influencing the spread of drinking water diseases in rural Africa: case study of
Bondo sub-county, Kenya. Journal Of Water & Health, 13(2), 500-509.
Jode, Helen de. In the midst of water. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Ethiopia.
Vision, 2013.

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Schmidt, W., Aunger, R., Coombes, Y., Maina, P. M., Matiko, C. N., Biran, A., & Curtis,
V. (2009).
Determinants of handwashing practices in Kenya: the role of media exposure,
poverty and
infrastructure. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 14(12), 1534-1541.
Team World Vision: Building a Better World for Children, 2015 World Vision Inc. Web.
Oct. 2015.

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