Journal Entry 6

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Journal #6

In at least two paragraphs, write about some ideas or insights provided by our
November 24, 2015, guest speaker, Ms. Dani Daugherty, Deputy Regional Director
of the Great Plains Regional Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

During one of our lectures, we had the opportunity to listen to Ms. Dani Daugherty.
Ms. Daugherty is the Deputy Regional Director of the Great Plains Regional Office of
the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Ms. Daugherty came into class on this day today talk to
us about Indian Law and the History of how these laws came to be.
During out lecture, Ms. Daugherty presented us with a PowerPoint about the
numerous years that events took place such as the Agreement between Equals
during 1787-1829. This agreement took place due to the Supreme Court. In a
nutshell, Americans tried to take land that had already belonged to Native
Americans. They tried taking the land that belonged to Native Americans without
showing any remorse. This upset the Native Americans because they knew they
had rights. After reviewing the case, the Supreme Court agreed that Native
Americans do indeed have rights to land which was rightfully returned to them.
Ms. Daugherty also talked about the types of schools that are offered to Native
Americans. I thought it was really interesting seeing all that was offered to give the
best education possible. They have education programs from boarding schools,
head start, and birth to three, to tribal college. It was awesome to see how many
options are provided to help students reach their highest potentials and goals.

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