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Running Head: CHAPTER 10

Andrea Lomeli
Chapter 10
EDU 1010
November 6, 2015


I want students to walk into my classroom feeling safe and with a smile on their face .
And they should be ready to lean with an open mind and also feeling confident in what we are
doing in class that day.
In the begging class we will talk about our leaning objective and make up our class
Goals for the day. I want introduce kids on the concept of setting short and long term goals and
how we can achieve them. With the class contribution and depending what project we have the
class will be able have some input on what kind of goals outcomes they want to happen for the
day. There will be a thumbs up sticker for every time a class competes a goal for the day. The
point of this is to get five thumbs up stickers on the class calendar. If they get five consecutive
stickers the whole class will get a reward. They have options to choose they can have a game
day, Movie day, or have a snack party. There are two possible outcome consequences if the class
fails to achieve the goal for the day. Outcome one, if the class wasnt able to complete the
task/goal of the day due to an assembly, speaker, or unexpected fire drill. Then well just pat
ourselves on the shoulder and say its okay we will achieve our goal and do better tomorrow.
Outcome two, if they failed to complete the task/goal of the day due to misbehavior to stopping
in between lessons to wait for them to start paying attention. Then they can lose a recess, or
wont be able to celebrate for the next time they give five thumbs up.

Learning expectations for the class is to help students better understand the material by
using hands on activates. Also the room itself will be decorated with some visual graphics of


what were learning, so they can learn to associate them visually. Also Reading logs will be
essential for children reading and English skills. They will have a book to read for fifteen
minutes during reading time and will have to write a summary on their reading log on what they
read. Students will have the option if they want to take it home over the weekend if there reading
another book thats outside of class and want to keep track on what their reading. Also Students,
teachers ,and Parents collaboration is required for essential learning in class as well.

Effective Communication and social Skills Students will have a safe environment and
will learn how to get along with students and will learn about each other diverse backgrounds.
They will be assigned with their buddies which will be called hippos and elephants. And the will
be assigned a new buddy each month so they can get use to knowing each of their classmates.

Whats expected of student behavior? The classroom is suppose to be safe environment for
students both physically and mentally so Put downs, mean comments , foul language, or physical
hurting( hitting or throwing stuff at students, etc) are not allowed inside of the classroom or
school. Students who violate theses terms will not be able to go to recess and will have to write
an apology letter signed by their parents.



Kauchak, D., & Eggen, P. (2014). Classroom Management: Creating Productive Learning
Environments. In Introduction to teaching: Becoming a professional (Fifth ed., pp. 306337). Upper saddle river, New Jersey: Pearson Education.

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