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AC Circuits Example Problems October 16, 2007 1, What is the resistance of a lightbulb that uses an average power of 75.0 W_ when connected to a 60 He power sourse with a peak voltage of 170 V? oa Pre = ant oe Menu tac oso fae Sem Ye y 5 R= BE eae Zt R050)” SEE 2. When a 4.0 uP capacitor is connected to generator whose 1 Output 40 V, th curt tte dele seared tobe 8A. What he fe aueney ofthe sours? Ve Me 32 _ ew Dekaoekes 3“ agquator Vens = 30V ah fe Lo exe e+ My Mee ake == Ye GOUGH) Z-O.3h (ons) eae 8, An inductor has a 54.0 reactance at 60.0 Ha what will be the maximum ‘current if this inductor is connected to a 50.0 Hz source that produces a 100 ee oe Chew) Hesae | an(s) Ls’ | ar: wees 7 x, 20 (yy © 5 Meee Loon, = Xebons 264.0) = 49 Weo > \ sory ee Kise SS KG, iL = a4. i a ee ee a1 Ni 2) ’ Loeusore = Wit. _ OAL _ 3 1a, L = o0.143H tsune eS Peja eae eee Mgo< Wey Lb =CrolsJoun Nico = 449 4. A 50.0 9 resistor, a 0,100 H induetor, and a 10.0 uF seapacitor are con- nected in series to a 60.0 Hz source. The rms current in the circuit is 2.75 A. Find the rms voltages across: (@) the resistor “15 3V (©) tie mtucwr 10 FV (©) the capacitor 72.4 V (@) the RLC combination &40V (6) Sketch the phasor diagram fr this creat cs) we ent - 6.29 (0)=377 0.100 4 Vans =) Sa ith Vpz ER = (2.75) (50)2 13.2 Vans One Sines rtf X_zwl= (372) (00) = 32.70 Las conmo Ve D% = (2:15 )G72)= 104 Vieng De 275A rms \ ) Ker BO Goo ie 265 Neo Lv, =@75)(2ts) = 7124V Prasoe Disaceany Two wars TO CET Two wars TO CET NV QO Feo Lavo Z Ve D2=2,75 50% G7.7-200) V = C4A0V @ Feom vorTace $ v= Ve =e Vine™ Corea? = GOV 5. Consider a series RLC circuit with R=25 0, L=6.0 ml, and C=25 uF. ‘The circuit is connected toa 10 V rms , 600 Hz AC source: (a) What is the sum of the voltage drops across R, L, and C? (b) Which is greatest, the power delivered to the resisitor, to the capac itor, or the induetor? (6) Find the average power delivered to the circuit. tov +2 BC.0mH LF f : CAS v6¢enos on wnar tVorTAce (DeIPS heAns! = Sum oF IMD VIOURL YOLTACES = Wrvitl, A/V GR ToTRL VOLTACE ODED AS PHASIRS = JOV ans BECAUSE THE HAVE To ComBINE Te £QUAL THE SovackE. Q) Hust 6E THE REesISTOR Pout IN Loe © . Sasieree ls AtwaXS zeeo TUR (ed eed To know mE power JN RESIST oe CicE THs 1S cmene ALL THE PsN et : s ZR: Ween To FIND I Ang use Pave 2 Lens -w Vea 2 op f= 2 we anh = (C2¥ (coo) - 2770 Mie a (770) (40x0" )= 230 er De> Gnoane) : Be [GIT » [eG = 20 Da V2 Ove: - SOc hae é etn Pave? Te Re (0.30) (25) = 3.2W = |b

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