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Freda Pu

Systematic Observation Report


Over the semester pedagogical skills I have observed from Brydie consists of class
room management, collaborative, motor, effective communication, self and peer
assessment, team, and disciplinary skills. She developed rules for the class such as
the strike system and also worked on a lot of team oriented activities. She was very
patient with her students and was effective with giving them positive feedback or
advice with the motor skills. Specific content objectives in the course included
learning how to properly dribble and shoot a basket ball, underhand throwing and
catching, and how to properly kick a soccer ball. For the instant activity portion of
the class she would always choose fun games for the class like freeze tag, red light
green light, or shark and minnows.
The following systematic observations are notable to track Brydies progress in the
Systematic Observation 1
Time Analysis

Over the 8 weeks when I had to do the systematic observation for time analysis I
can see that for the most part Brydies management of the class remained around
35-31. The instruction interval also does not show a huge significant change over
the course of the weeks. There is a huge increase in activity because the video
filmed that day was also the longest so there was more time allotted.

Despite the results I thought that Brydie made a good attempt towards managing
the class with the strike system. However to improve her management time she
needed to be more firm with the students so they listened to her authority. The
impact on student learning I had from this was to not let the students take control
over the class from early on. Otherwise they remain hard to manage throughout the
semester because they get used not being punished for it.
Systematic Observation 2

When I first did the idiosyncrasies for Brydie she had said ok about 50 times. By
the end of the semester she only used it 6 times which is a significant improvement
and adjustment. I noticed she started using new idiosyncrasies like nearly or
hey however they were definitely not overused like when she first started out
teaching. Something I thought that Brydie did well was that she practiced
addressing the students by their names a lot and also used tiger pride for the
whole class instead of saying you guys. The impact I had on student learning for
this skill is that it is possible for you to correct and change how you address the
class and improve on becoming more aware of how to speak to the students.
Systematic Observation 3


For MVPA the reason the last most recent week is so low was because it was raining
that day and the class had to held in the cafeteria. Im positive that if I had the
SOFIT observation another lesson Brydies MVPA would be higher. In my
observations for this SO the guys always have a higher MVPA than the females
because theyre more excited for the activites or lesson. The females tended to
enjoy chatting with each other more instead of participating. To improvement
performance in this aspect Brydie could pair the students up as boys and girls so
the girls are sort of forced to participate more. An impact from student learning I
learned from this is that there are always students who are more atheltic and
interested or confident with the lesson than other students. This makes it important
for the teacher to make sure that everyone is involved and understands the
objective of the lesson.

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