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Name Krystyna Black

Sec 4_

Semester/year Fall/2015

Total Points____

Teacher Website/Artifact/Product Alignment with PPR Standards and Competencies (50 points)
Instructions: Among the artifacts you have uploaded in your Teacher Website, Select 5 activities or artifacts that you have completed this semester
during Content Methods and apply it to the PPR Standards at the Application level. You must have at least one activity/project for each Standard (of
which there are 4) and determine which competency it fulfills. Use this template to make it easier for you to complete this program requirement.

(Scorer must see to it that candidates are selecting Application level (S) instead of Knowledge (K).

Standard/Application level


For example:
Standard 1:
Social Studies
1.16s - The beginning teacher is able
Toolkit Curriculum to use various types of materials &
other resources to aid in preparing and
implementing instruction.
1.17s- The beginning teacher is able to
use technological tools to promote
learning and expand options
1. Social Studies:
Standard 1:
1.4sThe beginning teacher is able to
Paper Bag Book
plan instruction that motivates
students to want to learn and achieve;
1.19s plan instructional activities that
progress sequentially and support
stated instructional goals based on the

The curriculum resources include a collection of websites that I have

researched and filed to address the TEKS and to engage students
deeper in learning. This activity shows that I am able to use
appropriate materials for planning lessons as well as use
technological tools to promote learning and expand instructional
This assignment permitted me to be creative and learn information
about Texas. I was able to research Texas and be artistic with the
information I found. This activity shows me, as a teacher I can
incorporate students completing research and then they can be
creative in how they want to present the information. I was
encouraged to complete this assignment and look up unique
information about Texas.


2. Science

Completing the moon journal I was educated on how to get students

to explore. I had opportunities to look at the moon in a variety of
ways. I could choose the time, when and where to observe the moon.
The project did have specific guidelines, with certain information I
was to include in the journal. I was able to create the journal, any
way I wanted to. I created a power point journal, this made it a lot
simpler for me to input the information.


Moon Journal

Standard 1:
1.13s- The beginning teacher is able
to develop instructional goals and
objectives that are able to be
1.23s- The beginning teacher is able
to provide students with opportunities
to explore content from many

3. Social Studies:

Standard 1:
1.17s- The beginning teacher is able
Field Trip Planning to use technological tools to promote
learning and expand instructional
options; and

4. Math:
Me, Myself, &

1.18s The beginning teacher is able

to use resources available outside the
school (e.g., museums, businesses,
community members) to enhance
students learning opportunities.
3.4s use effective communication
techniques, including questioning and
discussion techniques, to foster active
student inquiry, higher-order
thinking, problem solving, and
productive, supportive interactions;
3.8s create activities and assignments
that are appropriate for students and
that actively engage them in the
learning process;

5. Classroom

3.1s - communicate directions,

explanations, and procedures clearly,
accurately, and with an appropriate
level of detail, both orally and in

For the field trip assignment, I used power point to create a

presentation to convince my classmates to go to Houston Museum of
Natural Science. In order to convince students to go on my field trip
I had to input a lot of information on why HMNS was the best option
for a fun day. Going to the museum the students would learn and be
educated on a lot of information. The students will be able to
participate in activities outside the classroom.


While completing this assignment it broke back memories. I was

reminded of the kind of teachers I did or did not want to become.
This assignment made me realize what the best strategies to use to
teach math are and how a teacher should interact with their students.
Students need to be provided a variety of ways they are able to learn
about math. I was able to incorporate in this assignment how a
teacher can engage the students, even if the content is not very
interesting the teacher should try to be imaginative.


This lesson had me think about the type of procedures I would want
to be incorporated into my classroom. I became knowledgeable of
how these procedures should be taught/shown to students. From the
first day of school procedures should be repeated and students will be
reminded until they are able to complete the procedures without
being reminded.


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