Module 2

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Candace Stewart Math1010-Sec029-Reflections

Module 2
How will learning excellent problem solving skills help you in
your future careers? Be specific.
Learning and practicing problem solving skills now while gaining an
education by going to school is a good way to do it-for you are learning to
shape your future and gaining life changing skills like problem solving.
Problem solving is a skill everyone uses and will continue using during their
whole lifetime- and will definitely be used in future careers. By acquiring and
using these skills in your career, you will be able to be an independent,
hardworking, and dependable worker. For example, if I came face-to-face
with a problem during my job, I would put my problem solving skills to work
by facing and analyzing the problem, consider possible solutions, acting
upon my different options of those solutions, examining the outcomes, and
looking at the results for future reference. This way, I also learn and make my
problem solving skills even stronger. So instead of always asking for
assistance, you can just manage the problem on your own. Like what one of
my favorite teachers who taught graphic design said- Good designers are
good detectives. Meaning that they are resourceful and they figure things
out themselves and explore their options and answers, which is problem
solving. Depending on the career, it is also expected that there will be
teamwork involved. If this is the case- having these problem solving skills will
come in handy. While working in a group, it is expected to have impending
disagreements or problems during the work. Though if I obtain and use my
problem solving skills-hopefully along with others that I am working with-we
would be able to work through the problem diligently, efficiently, and

Candace Stewart Math1010-Sec029-Reflections

Module 2
professionally. Using this skill will help you thrive in all aspects in life, though
by using it in your careers, you will surely succeed in your work goals and
become a dependable hard-worker.

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