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Digital Unit Plan Goals, Objectives and Assessments

Unit Title: Forces and Interactions

Name: Dan Humphreys

Content Area: Physics

Grade Level: 11-12

Next Generation Science Standards


Analyze data to support the claim that Newtons second law of motion describes the mathematical relationship amongthe net
force on a macroscopic object, its mass, and its acceleration. [Clarification Statement: Examples of data could include tables or
graphs of position or velocity as a function of time for objects subject to a net unbalanced force, such as a falling object, an object rolling
down a ramp, or a moving object being pulled by a constant force.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to one-dimensional
motion and to macroscopic objects moving at non-relativistic speeds.]


Use mathematical representations to support the claim that the total momentum of a system of objects is conserved when
there is no net force on the system. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on the quantitative conservation of momentum in interactions
and the qualitative meaning of this principle.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to systems of two macroscopic bodies
moving in one dimension.]


Apply scientific and engineering ideas to design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes the force on a macroscopic
object during a collision.* [Clarification Statement: Examples of evaluation and refinement could include determining the success of the
device at protecting an object from damage and modifying the design to improve it. Examples of a device could include a football helmet
or a parachute.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to qualitative evaluations and/or algebraic manipulations.]

Common Core Literacy and Mathematic Standards


Determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they
interact and build on one another to provide a complex analysis; provide an objective summary of the text
Disciplinary Core Ideas and Essential Questions

PS2.A: Forces and Motion

Newtons second law accurately predicts changes in the motion of macroscopic objects. (HS-PS2-1)

Momentum is defined for a particular frame of reference; it is the mass times the velocity of the object. (HS-PS2-2)

If a system interacts with objects outside itself, the total momentum of the system can change; however, any such change is balanced by changes in the momentum of
objects outside the system. (HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS2-3)
ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting an Engineering Problem

Criteria and constraints also include satisfying any requirements set by society, such as taking issues of risk mitigation into account, and they should be quantified to
the extent possible and stated in such a way that one can tell if a given design meets them. (secondary to HS-PS2-3)

Performance Expectations

Students will be able to calculate for a projectiles horizontal motion

Students will be able to calculate for a projectiles motion when it is launched at an angle
Students will be able to describe the relationship between Force, mass, and acceleration, mathematically and

4. Students will be able to use mathematical concepts to support the claim that momentum is conserved in a closed system

Unit Summative Assessments

Students will be assessed with a formal lab, calculating the motion of a marble launched horizontally
Students will complete a formal lab on the motion of a softball thrown in the air at varying angles
Students will be assessed through a quiz, with questions on Newtons second law, calculating for Force,
acceleration, and mass
4. Students will complete a formal lab on conservation of momentum, using carts and varying masses

Lesson 1 Forces and Motion

will be able to calculate for a

1. Performance Expectation:

Acceptable Evidence

Students will be assessed with a formal lab, calculating the motion of

projectiles horizontal motion

a marble launched horizontally

Lesson 2 Conservation of Momentum

will be able to calculate for a
projectiles motion when it is
launched at an angle

1. Performance Expectation:

will complete a formal lab on the motion of a softball thrown in the
air at varying anlges

5. Acceptable Evidence Formative and/or Summative Assessment:

Lesson 3 Forces and Motion

Performance Expectation: Students will be
able to explain Newtons Second Law using
academic language and mathematical

1. Acceptable Evidence Formative and/or Summative Assessment:

Students will be assessed

through a quiz, with questions on Newtons second law, calculating
for Force, acceleration, and mass
Formative and/or Summative Assessment:

Lesson 4 Conservation of Momentum

Performance Expectation: Students will be
able to use mathematical concepts to
support the claim that momentum is
conserved in a closed system

will complete a formal lab on conservation of momentum, using carts
and varying masses

1. Acceptable Evidence Formative and/or Summative Assessment:

Lesson 5 - [Insert Topic/Title Here]

Performance Expectation:

Acceptable Evidence Formative and/or Summative Assessment:

Unit Resources:

Textbook, workbooks, powepoints, marble launcher, carts

Useful Websites: simulations

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