Effective Time Management

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Effective Time

Laura M. Stella

Learning Objectives
The learner will gain an understanding of how well they

manage their own time by completing a time management

skills assessment.
The learner will be able to name at least two benefits to
effectively managing their time.
The learner will be exposed to a variety of time management
tips, and will be able to apply the knowledge to their own
home/work/school/life scenarios.


Benefits of Effective Time


People who
implement good
time management
techniques often
find that they:

Have increased productivity

Feel less stressed
Get more things done
Relate more positively with

Feel better about themselves
(Dodd & Sundheim, 2005)

What strategies do you currently

use to manage your time?

Time Management Tips

1. Stay


to-do lists, email

reminders, file folders,
appointment calendars, etc.
Use lists for daily, weekly,
and long term tasks
Keep work area organized
Grab 15 (15 minutes x 365 =
91.25 hours per year)

Time Management Tips

2. Plan

Schedule it and it will happen

Combine activities if possible
Consider breaking larger tasks
into smaller parts that may be
easier to schedule
Prioritize tasks (A, B, C rating)
Vision without action is a
daydream; Action without
vision is a nightmare (Ancient
Japanese saying)

Time Management Tips

3. Avoid

Knowing when not to work

is as important as knowing
when to work
Learn how to say no: Just
because you can do
something, doesnt mean
you should
Priorities are not constant,
they must be negotiated.

Time Management Tips

4. Manage
External Time

Utilize voice mail and set

aside time to return calls

Establish set times when
you are available for visits
Know the purpose of
meetings in advance

Time Management Tips

5. Avoid MultiTasking

Lose time when switching

from one task to another

Results in a loss of
Multi-tasking on a routine
basis may lead to difficulty
concentrating and
maintaining focus
Finish Tasks Fully

Chapman, Sue & Rupured, Michael. Time management: 10 strategies for better time
management. Retrieved from: http://www.fcs.uga.edu/docs/time_management.pdf
Guggino, Julie (2009). Tools and tips to help you do more with your time.
Retrieved from:
http://www.ogrd.wsu.edu/r6ncura/2010ProgramMaterials/10-04-2 1%20%20Tools
Nellen, Annette. (2000). Manage your work, dont let it manage you: tips for
managing your life and getting ahead. Retrieved from:

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