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Big Project Narrative

EDCI 270 Purdue University

Tim Kovacic 9:30 W Lab Marquetta Strait

The planning cards that we used in class to assist in the organization of

our final project were very useful for two reasons. The first reason being that
they helped us take what we were thinking from our head to paper before we
began working and constructing it digitally. The second and most important
reason is that it helps to aid in visualizing the slides of the big project by
drawing their elements out and positioning them before constructing them.
Taking this age old approach to, measuring twice and cutting once, has
never changed in terms of its effectiveness in concrete submissions of work
and progress. Along with planning cards, reviews of our work were very
useful in getting someone else to take a look at your work. A noticeable
change in working behavior is typical after long attachment where lacking
attributes of individual work begin to show where the author is completely
blind to them. By throwing in a fresh pair of eyes you get to see your own
work in a new way that may aid in a more enriching experience. With the
enrichment of the experience in mind, there are a couple of standards
addressed by the ISTE standards of teachers that stand out when taking a
step back from this big project. The second ISTE standard, to design and
develop a digital age learning experience and assessment can be attributed
to this kind of individualized instruction based on the multi-media elements
present. Facilitating and inspiring student learning and creativity can also be
attributed because the PowerPoint model allows for an intuitive and rich
experience on any computer for any student running any variant of an
operating system. Last but not least I feel this project engages professional
growth and leadership by laying a foundation of instructional material for
emerging digital tools and resources.

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