Cover Letter 1

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9400 Corbin Avenue

Northridge, CA, 91324

November 20, 2015

Mr. Brent Snell
Human Resources Manager
The Shammas Group
714 W Olympic Blvd # 1131
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Dear Mr. Snell:
I am applying for the junior accountant position as advertised on, which I accessed
on September 14th. Currently, I am a student at California State University Northridge (CSUN)
where I will receive a B.S. degree in finance in 2017.
Before enrolling in CSUN, I interned at the Kuwait Finance and Investment Company in Kuwait
for more than a year. While here, I gained knowledge about a range of different investment
products, helped in preparing financial spreadsheets, and assisted in making presentations to
senior advisors. Overall, this experience provided me with a broad financial knowledge base that
I know that I will be able to use at the Shammas Group. In addition, you might like to know that
I am also active in the Student Finance Association at CSUN which has given me the opportunity
to showcase my skills and network with different people in the field.
While studying at CSUN, I have maintained a 3.7 GPA in my major, and have taken several
honors courses. In these courses, I have had a lot of success, and have impressed many of
professors who have written me letters of recommendation which I would be happy to show if so
desired. Finally, I also speak Arabic fluently which has given me a great advantage over my
peers since I am able to communicate with millions of people who do not speak English.
I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in accounting with you. My
number and email address are listed above. I am available for an interview any time that is
convenient for you. Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,

Sulaiman Alshihab
Encl: Resume

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