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Group work plan:

There are many ways to accomplish this task but the best products typically come from
the groups that spend time making a solid plan of attack. Take some time to
determine the following:
Names of all group members:
How do you plan on dividing the workload between all members of the group? (Who will
be responsible for what? Be specific and consider the strengths/weaknesses of the group members
when determining this answer.)


What should people do as they finish (or wait to begin) their primary role:

What are THE AGREED UPON PROCEDURES to follow when a group member is offtask?
1. Off-task behavior will be defined as:

2. When a group member is off-task, the group (or a member of the group) will:
3. If you are off-task and your group (or a member of the group) approaches you,
you will:

What will your group do when you have people who are absent? Will you email and set
up a time to check email? Facetime? Text? Create a plan you will follow for when a
member is absent

Student signatures:

Parent signatures:







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