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Brookelyn Egan

Communications 1010
Norm Zurn
December 9, 2015
Reflection Statement
Taking this course has been a real game changer for me. I have been
able to learn so many different ideas and concepts that I never thought of
before this class. I now realize just how important and significant
communication is in everything that we do. I learned that there are many
ways that communicating with others can go wrong, but there are also ways
to avoid these types of "communication breakdowns." Thanks to my
professor, Norm Zurn, this class was informative, insightful, and yet still fun.
Another benefit I found of taking this course, is that it is very applicable to
life. This makes it a bonus in the way that we were able to learn about
subjects that are useful in our everyday lives.
Another advantage of this class is that Professor Zurn let us, the
students, be Professor for a Week. This means that each student was able
to teach a chapter to the rest of the class. We made PowerPoint
presentations and prepared to teach the other students our assigned
chapter. This was a great experience for, not just me, but the entire class,
and it definitely made the class more interesting. Another thing we did this

semester was come together as a class to collect donations for an

organization called the Odyssey House. This project demonstrated the
importance of communication, and allowed us to come together as a class to
create a plan as to how we wanted this project to go. Overall, I am extremely
glad I took this course. My understanding of communication has grown, and I
realize how important these concepts Ive learned can be throughout ones

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