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Information NECESSARY to include on a page:

Patient name
RN name
RN cell phone number (NOT unit number)
Brief SBAR: Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendations
Clearly state if need a call back:
-FYI pages labeled as such
-Reminder pages labeled as such
-Call back pages need to be taken on RN’s cell phone, not unit phone


-follow MCP guidelines for all call-back time requirements
-please keep ‘who to call’ up-to-date and accurate at all times, with pagers appropriately
-if you cannot answer a page (sterile procedures, etc.) it is your responsibility to forward pager
to appropriate person who can
-Med-Recs, signature requests, critical lab values, etc. are your responsibility. Please be aware
that the RN is responsible for notifying you about these items
-RNs rely on you and your orders to care for their/your patients. Please respect the RN and
answer pages appropriately, in the appropriate time frame


-SBAR is not optional. If you are paging an MD about your patient, know your patient and be
prepared when the MD calls back
-MDs receive multiple pages hourly. Clarity about the need to be called back (to your cell
phone, not the unit number) is essential.
-MDs are working throughout the night. Please respect quiet time (midnight-5am) and refrain
from paging for non-emergent needs.
- if you are unsure whether or not to page the MD regarding an issue (implementing protocol
orders, etc.) please consult your charge RN before paging
-MDs rely on you to communicate effectively and efficiently regarding their/your patients.
Please respect the MD and page only when appropriate, in the appropriate manner

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