TPACK Activity - ISTC 301/501 Your Name: Katie Frey Content Area (Consult) : History Grade 5

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TPACK Activity ISTC 301/501

Your Name: Katie Frey

Content Area (Consult ): History Grade 5
Standard: Students will examine significant ideas, beliefs, and themes; organize patterns and events; and analyze how individuals and
societies have changed over time in Maryland and the United States.
Objective (choose only one): Compare the political, economic and social lives of people in New England, Middle and the Southern
Activity Type

Group Presentations/
Compare/contrast report

Description of the Activity

Group Presentation:
Students demonstrate their
understanding of the political,
economic, and social lives in their
area/colony. Each group will
present their information. After the
last presentation, each student will
have a Vin Diagram filled out
comparing and contrasting the
Compare and Contrast Report
Students will demonstrate their
understanding of the similarities
and differences among the three
groups through political, economic,
and social lives.

Possible Tech Tools

1. Internet for research (government

websites and such)
2. PowerPoint for presentation
3. Word to create handouts for the
presentation ( quick facts)
4. Word- typed report of learning

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