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Foundation in Natural and Built Environment (FNBE)

English 1 [ELG 30505]
Assignment: E- portfolio

Individual work. Students to reflect on

the learning process for all graded

As per
stated in the



Week 18
Portfolio submission


E-Portfolio is an online compilation of documents that is flexible and is based on evidences of

which students are directly involved in a continuous reflection process towards their own learning,
the progress of their achievement on knowledge, technical and generic skills as well as their
personal, academic and career development planning. Additionally, it allows showing people your
reflective capacity, telling people your current status and future plan. Letting people know you are a
lifelong learner.
"We do not learn from experiences; we learn from reflecting on our experiences." John
Dewey, 1933
All persons, books and other sources of information are to be referenced in accordance with the
APA Style.

The objectives of this project are as follows:

To reflect on all learning outcomes and Taylors Graduate Capabilities for this module.

Taylors University FNBE - English 1(ENGL 0105)

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To demonstrate the ability to reflect on your work.

To communicate the relevant ideas in a clear, logical and appropriate academic English.
To share your educational experiences.
To create a dynamic resume.

Your tasks are as follows:
a) Prepare a reflective entry for each graded assignment by answering the following
i. Aims and accomplishments.
Do you know the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) of each assignment?
Can you identify the right attitude and practical ways to achieve these outcomes/goals?
At the end of your semester, summarize what outcomes you have achieved.
ii. Reflection:
Having completed the module, what are your overall reflections? Have you identified your
strengths and weaknesses? Which learning strategies have been proved effective? What
areas can be further improved?
b) Upload three to five photos or any other appropriate media and provide a brief description
for about 150 to 200 words to explain on the learning process for the following.
Essay writing
Oral Presentation.
Upload photos or other appropriate media and write-up on a blog.
Font Arial 12
Appendix (if any).
The assessment for this assignment will be based on:
Your demonstrated understanding of the brief.
The content of the write-upstrength of central idea and relevance to the question.
Clear and coherent organization of ideas and argument.
Ability to use scholarly references to support arguments and ideas.
Taylors University FNBE - English 1(ENGL 0105)
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Grammar and mechanics.

A Generic Rubric for Evaluating ePortfolios


Partially Proficient


Criterion: Selection of artifacts and written communication

9 points
All artifacts and work
samples are clearly and
directly related to the
purpose of the eportfolio.
All of the components
demonstrate the use of
clear, well organized, and
accurate written

6 points

3 points

0 points

Most artifacts and work

samples are related to the
purpose of the eportfolio.
There are only one or two
occurrences of
unorganized, inaccurate, or
difficult to interpret written

Few artifacts and work

samples are related to the
purpose of the eportfolio.
There are three or four
occurrences of
unorganized, inaccurate, or
difficult to interpret written

Most artifacts and work

samples are unrelated to
the purpose of the
eportfolio. There are more
than four instances of
unorganized, inaccurate, or
difficult to interpret written

Criterion: Reflections
9 points

6 points

All reflections clearly

identify and describe
professional growth goals
for lifelong learning and are
constructive in nature.

Most of the reflections

identify and describe
professional growth goals
for lifelong learning and are
constructive in nature.

3 points

6 points

4 points

2 points

0 points

All of the multimedia

enhance the purpose of the
eportfolio, create interest,
and are appropriate. The
content of the eportfolio is
enhanced in an original
way. All of the examples are
appropriate for the chosen

Most of the multimedia

enhance the purpose of the
eportfolio, create interest,
and are generally
appropriate. The content of
the eportfolio is enhanced
somewhat in an original

A few of the multimedia

enhance the purpose of the
eportfolio, create interest,
and are sometimes
appropriate. The content of
the eportfolio is not always
enhanced because of the
inappropriate examples
chosen for the purpose.

The photographs, graphics,

sounds, and/or videos are
inappropriate. They are
distracting and detract from
the content.

A few reflections identify

and describe professional
growth goals for lifelong
learning and these are
constructive in nature.

0 points
No reflections identify and
describe professional
growth goals for lifelong

Criterion: Use of Multimedia

Criterion: Captions
3 points
Each artifact is
accompanied by a caption
that clearly explains the
importance of that
particular work including
title, author, and date.

2 points
Most of the artifacts are
accompanied by a caption
that clearly explains the
importance of that
particular work including
title, author, and date.

1 point
Some of the artifacts are
accompanied by a caption
that clearly explains the
importance of that
particular work including
title, author, and date.

0 points
None of the artifacts are
accompanied by a caption
that clearly explains the
importance of that
particular work including
title, author, and date.

Criterion: Ease of Navigation

3 points
All of the portfolio
navigation links and all
sections (standards,
artifacts, and reflections)
connect back to the Home
page and all external links
connect to the appropriate

2 points
Most of the portfolio
navigation links and most
sections (standards,
artifacts, and reflections)
connect back to the Home
page. Most of the external
links connect to the
appropriate website.

Taylors University FNBE - English 1(ENGL 0105)

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1 point

0 points

Some of the portfolio

navigation links and some
sections (standards,
artifacts, and reflections)
connect back to the Home
page, but sometimes the
links do not connect to
preceding pages or to the
original Home page. Some
of the external links
connect to the appropriate

There are significant

problems with portfolio
navigation links and many
sections (standards,
artifacts, and reflections) do
not connect back to the
Home page or preceding
pages. Many external links
do not connect to the
appropriate website.

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Criterion: Layout and Text Elements

3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points

The eportfolio is easy to

read. Fonts, point size,
bullets, italics, bold, and
indentations for headings
and sub-headings enhance
the presentation. Horizontal
and vertical white space is
always used appropriately.
Background and colours
enhance the readability and
aesthetic quality of the text.

The eportfolio is generally

easy to read. Fonts, point
size, bullets, italics, bold,
and indentations for
headings and sub-headings
enhance the presentation.
A few minor format
changes would enhance the
presentation. Horizontal
and vertical white space is
used appropriately in most
places. Background and
colours generally enhance
the readability of the text.

The eportfolio is often

difficult to read. Fonts,
point size, bullets, italics,
bold, and indentations for
headings and sub-headings
do not always enhance the
presentation. Some
formatting tools are under
or over-utilized. Horizontal
and vertical white space is
used inappropriately in
some places. Background
and colours are distracting
in some places. They
diminish somewhat the
readability of the text.

The eportfolio is difficult to

read. Fonts, point size,
bullets, italics, bold, and
indentations for headings
and sub-headings do not
enhance the presentation.
Many formatting tools are
under or over-utilized.
Horizontal and vertical
white space is used
inappropriately so that the
content appears cluttered.
Background and colours are
distracting. They diminish
the readability of the text.

Criterion: Writing Mechanics

3 points
There are no errors in
grammar, capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling.

2 points

1 point

0 points

There are a few errors in

grammar, capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling.
These require minor editing
and revision.

There are 4 or more errors

in grammar, capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling
requiring editing and

The text has more than 6

errors in grammar,
capitalization, punctuation,
and spelling. It requires
major editing and revision.

Adapted from Joan M. Vandervelde (2004).


SUGGESTED REFERENCES (2012). Use ePortfolio to achieve your goals. Retrieved on 22nd September,2012. Connecticut
Distance Learning Consortium (CDLC). Available at
Nadarajan,S. (2008). Undergraduate Language Teaching. The E-Portfolio Way. Paper presentation at the
National Students Development and Educational Conference (Nasdec 08), at University Teknologi
Malaysia on 22nd October,2008. Available at


Should be well designed with the necessary information;
[Name / all in group]
[Session] August, 2014

Taylors University FNBE - English 1(ENGL 0105)

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