P e Lesson Plan

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Maritza Valdez

Name Game
Objective: For students who are nervous about getting up in front of the class to present, to feel
more comfortable. Students will learn each other names and create a positive environment.
Students will learn different motor skills and how changing speed can allow one person to move
to another place.
Third grade content Standard 2: Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts,
principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Pre-teaching: Introduce students how to perform different motor skills such as walking
backwards, skipping, galloping, jumping, and hoping. Students will introduce themselves.
Materials: None

Description of Game:
Teacher will tell students to create a circle.
Teacher will have students state their name again once around the circle.
One student (1) starts by calling another students name (2). At that point student 1 starts walking
towards 2 to take their spot.
Before (1) gets to (2), Then student (2) calls out another students name (3), so (2) frees their spot
in the circle, for (1) to take.
Then (3) needs to call another name and start walking, so (2) can take (3) spot.
Side-coaching: Remind students to remember each others name. Encourage students to
participate in a faster pace. Encourage students to walk faster, and call out different type of
motors kills, such as walking backwards, skipping, galloping, jumping, etc. Encourage students
not to repeat the same person.
Follow-up Activities: Have a discussion how important is to be active and what type of
exercises can be done at home. Introduce students to the muscle group being used while
performing the skill. Have students get in a group and identify the muscle groups or label a
human muscle picture.

Questions for students: Was it difficult to remember your classmates name? What was one
thing needed to be able to play this game? During or after playing the game, where you nervous?

Was it easier to make friends? Do you know all you classmate name? What motor skill/ exercise
was challenging? What motor skill/ exercise was your favorite?

Questions for teacher: Did students seem more comfortable with each other? Did students learn
at least three names? Did students participate? Did students concentrate to learn each other
names? Where students active? Did students practice different motor skills?

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