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ranje ekonomskog potentijala

tar~ije. Minimizlranje uloge ta~ije

je pOliskivanjem brojnih zanata, te guknjem



trgovine jehinom

industrijskom robom iz Monarhije.

Odabirom Mustaj-pa~inog mejdana. administradja

je nagovijestila, a pro-

jektom palate Bosanskog sabora, razotkrila namjeru potpunog brisanja svih

tragova bosansko-osmanske

and the Malo CarsiJOon the ught bonk of the Miljocka Rwer led to a radical
change in the look of the old Smajevo CmsiJa. Previously, dUling the / of
Topol Serif Osmon-Pasha, the BascO/sija was linked to the Mustaj-Pasha

graditel;ske i opcekulturne

tradidje, uklju~ujuCi

jdan by a street coiled Novo Testa (currentlyTelali).


A route (known as Brodac

Street today) was also forged to serve as on extension to the Kracula Street.
The construction of the focus of our stOfY, the Soraje:.oCity Hall,.meant

i vjerske objekte, ~esme, mostove ... Ukralko, namjera je bila brisanja kultur-

the beginning of erasing centunesof

ne memorije. Jasan znak ovih planova, bilo je ru~enje zdrave Citave Careve

unOVOldobledrop in the financial potentiolof

cuprije, ansambla Almejdan, etc ... Ta vizija zorno ie prikazana, na crtetu

\\'OSmCllginolised b'(supplessing its many trodesand by fkxlding theCalSf.lO

stores withcheaplndlJStnal
O/es from the Ausbo-Hungo/ion Empire.

buduieg Sabora i no\'Og urbanisti~ko-arhitektonskog

rje~en}a prostomog

konteksla buduce Vijeenice.

AUlor nagradenog pro;ekta Sabora i pomenutog

crteta, becki arhitekt


was to erose cultural memories themselves. A clear indication of these pions

was the teming down of the fully intact EmperOl'sCuprija (arch. bridge), the



gradnji, poti-



lame promjene. Obavljeni su veliki komuna.lni radovi i gradnje, podignut je

stand'Hd u oblasti saobracaja,zdravstva,

kulture,uprave ...

Nova gradska vijecnica, trebala je biti kruna tih napora. Kalaj je projekat
Vijecnice povjerio ponajboljem medu arhitektima



pristigliln iz pokrajina Mo-

Pariik je zamisho grOldevinu trougaone

osnove, kakvu je diktirOlo oblik parcell' Z<lgradnju. Ugaone kule, zavrS.lvlole su

At -Mejdon en<,emble, etc. Such 0 VISionwos clearly presented in the dlawing of

the future POllioment building and the newUlbon pIon/olChlte<:tural lo)'OUt of
the future City Hoi. Theouthot

of theowordWinning

destgn fOl the Porlloment

building and the town plan, Anton Floderer, on mchltect f/omV'lenna, erMsoged in detail, acent/oJ Eu.opeoncity in SO/oJeva'splace,
The brains behind the fast and detailed transformation

of Bosnia and

Herzegovina, starting with Sorajeva, was Benjamin Kallayde Nagy Kalla, tI'e
of international

Joinl Minister of Frnance. Along \.ith landmark buildings, he

the establishment

of cultural inslitulions,lheorganisotion

gathefings in SOraJ\'O.oswell os ensuring funds fOl

mop sci-

\\'OS through his due<:t effOlt that anetile publICation called

theworJd of the civilising role that Aushla-Hungoryhod

turski naziv za gradsku km'u, beledija. Zarvor, Bdedija projektovan je u rano-

the fi,st fifteenyeors,


01and architectural \'iOIks were carried out, standmdswere

stilu i sa izvrsnim proporcijama.

even leaving

any symbolic remnants of the post behind.

se lukovicastim kupolama.
Takoder je projektovao i zgradu zatvora, na koju ie se vremenom prenijeti

Nada was set up, dealing WIth cultural issues. The intentlOTl ..
as tocClf'lVince

of rood communication,

Sarajevo City Hall Revisited


architecture and culture,

Bosne i Hercegovine, a u prvom redu

N<lstojalo se uvjerili svijel u civilizatorsku ulogu Austro-Ugarske u Bosni.

Vee tokom prvih petnaeslak godina nove vlasti, postignute su spektaku-


comprehensively erose all traces of Bosnian-Ottoman

zajedni~ki ministar finansi;a, Benjamin Kalaj

u S<lrajevu, te osiguravao sredstva za nau~na istraziv,lInj<l veiih razmjera.

Njegovim inavnim zalaganjem pokrenut je elitni l.asopis za kulturu, Nada.


hinted at, while

the project for the Bosnian Porliament Polace UrlCO\'ered, Its Intf'fltion

including religious buildings, water fountains, bridges .... Ultimately, the aim

Kdl/ay de Nagy Kalla). On je pored reprezentativnih

ColOi osnivanje kuhurnih

grad na
stanja ...

Mozak brze i temeljite preobrazbe

Sarajeva, bio je austrougarski

lIadition, along with the

the Cmsijo. The Iole of the Cmsijo

By picking the MustOj-Posho -.ejdan, the administration

Anton Floderl'r, zamislio je, do u detalje, srednjoevropski

mjestu Sarajeva, ne ostavljajuci ni simbolicne naznake prethodnog



If'IBosnia. Already In

spectacular changes wereochieved. t.r\ojar rnf,astructurhealth. culture and administration.

raised in the areas

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