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Name: Yibing Liu

Student ID: 0622160

Writing Assignment One: Commons-based Peer Production and Virtue
In this article, it is about a socio-economic system of production: commonsbased peer production which is emerging in the digitally networked environment. It
tells us a new model of socioeconomic production. In this model, large numbers of
people work cooperatively, usually over the Internet. Commons-based peer
production with firm production, in which tasks are delegated based on a central
decision-making process, and market-based production, in which allocating different
prices to different tasks serves as an incentive to anyone interested in performing a
The market model of production, the firm model of production and CBPP are
different types of economic models. We can see cost and personal factors are the most
important. The work should be modular and sufficiently granular so that to improve
effect. And these experiences can be used in many areas in the society besides
economic field.
Intro to the structure to virtue, the article gives us two examples. One is a poll
requiring volunteers to show their main reason for running SETI@home website.
Another is talking about Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) or Open
Source/Free Software (OS/FS).
In the analysis, the article establishes a structural connection between key
defining properties of commons-based peer production and the possibility of
engagement in creative, autonomous, benevolent and public-spirited undertakings.
Participating in commons-based peer production is an instance of an activity that not
only enables the expression of virtuous character but serves as a training ground for
I summarize this topic, this article suddenly surprised me because in his
paragraph it talk about how to promote an economic behavior to a height of a moral.
And it makes me to think human should open mind and help each other more in the
economic activities and even social behavior. Producers involved in the production is
entirely voluntary, therefore, they can coruscate gives greater incentive to work. At
the same time, the achievement of labor gain can meet their own needs first, and then
can give back to society to obtain social recognition and get the right to enjoy the
social feedback. That is to make the progress of the whole society.
In commons-based peer production mode, Boundaries of production and
consumption become blurred, people becomes prosumers or user instead of mere
producers and consumers. Take media for example, people is no longer a pure
audience gradually. They also have always been the publisher of the event. Maybe in
the future, Ordinary people will be more and more important in news reports than in
communication. Self-media will become the main force in the news report as well.
Also, these publishers would get messages from other people. Because it shows great
advantages in terms of information collection and processing and can greatly reduce
the labor costs in the information industry.

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